Page 26 - ALG Issue 3 2024
P. 26

  S - Whilst we share your view in some way, to move forward and market the organisation, the increase in fees would help this.We need to grow from within, as a unique organisation, some external agencies don’t know what we are about. Volunteers work for free and are so passionate, and we hope to get that across. We are up against apathy; we should all be part of a community and a family, helping promote not just at Head Office or Regional Volunteer level, but with our members too.
S - Members stated they support the increase and have benefitted largely just from the legal advice alone, noting if you have to liaise with a solicitor for legal advice, you would be paying hundreds, even thousands.
Q (Question) – In a couple of years from now, will there be another increase? As maybe more beneficial making a one-off larger increase now to cover for another long period.
A (Answer) – This is not expected, however, review annually.
Motion 1
Motion amendment to Motion 1 On behalf of Kettering Allotment Society. The proposed amendment is that the Association affiliate fee be increased from £3.00 to £3.50 pa
Vote: Motion 1 amendment - 45 Accepted / 5 Against / 4 Abstain
Motion 2
Individual membership; current fee £23.00 pa to increase to £25.00 pa Vote: 49 Accepted / 2 Against / 3 Abstain
Motion 3
Landowners; current fee £55.00 (plus VAT) pa to increase to £60.00 (plus VAT) pa
Vote: 42 Accepted / 7 Against / 5 Abstain
Motion 4
Local Authority/Parish and Town Council; current fee £55.00 (plus VAT) pa to increase to £70.00 (plus VAT) pa
Q – Do councils know about the NAS membership?
A – We are working with councils who receive our support and advice.This is available via allotment office forums and webinars, both delivered by NAS Staff. Vote: 48 Accepted / 6 Abstain
Motion 5
Local Authority/All other council membership; current fee £55.00 (plus VAT) pa to increase to £100.00 (plus VAT) pa
Vote: 45 Accepted / 1 Against / 8 Abstain
Motion 1-2 fee increase will commence January 2025
Motion 6
To Delete References to Mentors
from the Society Rules and Standards and Procedures. Society’s Rules to be amended as follows:
4. General Qualifications and Interpretations: Delete entry - “Mentor means a volunteer appointed by the National Allotment Mentoring Scheme (NAMS).”
8.3.1: delete last line - “1 Mentor representative”
And , that the Society’s Standards and Procedures are amended to reflect this change.
Vote: 54 Accepted
Motion 7
To Enable Any Society Meeting to Be Held by electronic means. It is proposed that the Society’s Rules be amended as follows:
4. General Qualifications and Interpretations:
Add the following definitions: “Electronic means shall include, for example, email, video links and secure authenticated website transactions” “Meeting in relation to any meeting
of the Management Committee or its sub-committees, the AGM and other general meetings.
Meetings of the Society or any other meeting of the Society, includes, except where inconsistent with any legal obligation, a physical meeting, a meeting held by electronic means, a meeting held by telephone or a combination of these means, with participants present and any votes cast by any of those means”. Delete from entry for Writing:“and excluding all voting”
Vote: 51 Accepted / 1 Against / 2 Abstain
Motion 8
To Remove from Local Authority Representatives from the Management and Governance Committees
It is proposed that the Society’s Rules be amended as follows:
8.3.1: delete 3rd line – “3 Local Authority
8.7 Local authority Members: delete entire section
13.1.1: delete: “at least one being nominated by one of the local authority Members of the Society”
S – 3 Reps from LA are not elected; they are on the council. Cllrs can play a massive part as a regional volunteer and regional representatives can be a council employee.
A – We struggle to get LA reps and haven’t had any volunteers for over 5 years.The issue is the employer wouldn’t release them from work to attend meetings.
Vote: 45 Accepted / 3 Against / 6 Abstain
It was noted that the Society’s Standards and Procedures are amended to reflect this change.
Nominations for Regional Representatives, to serve on the Management Committee:
Mike Cantillon – elected as the Southern regional representative for another full terms (3 years). Accepted 54
Andy Bird elected as the regional representative for South East for a full term (3 years). Accepted 54
Gareth Owen elected as a member of the Governance Committee for full term (3 years). Accepted 54
Chairman Mike Farrell presented the awards.
- Jeff Barber was awarded the Fellowship Award, nominated by the London Region.
- Michael Tucker was honoured with a life membership – Colin Bedford accepted the award on his behalf.
- Phil Gomersall was honoured with the Geoff Stokes Memorial Award – Jeff Barber accepted the award on his behalf.
- Allan Cavill was honoured with the Jim Tandy Memorial Award – Terry Dickinson accepted the award on his behalf.
- Staff member, Karen Maher, was presented a floral bouquet for 35 years’ service with a recognition tribute from Sonia Gallagher.
     26 | Issue 3 2024 | Allotment and Leisure Gardener

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