Page 27 - ALG Issue 3 2024
P. 27

                                About Me and My Allotment.
My name is Bea. I am 7 years old (nearly 8) and I live in Tunbridge Wells. We got our allotment last June. My allotment is really close to my house. In fact, it is basically behind my house.
What do I Like About the Allotment?
I like the allotment because you get
to plant lots of things that make the allotment look really colourful. It is looking colourful already. I like growing seedlings more than replanting things because you get to see how they grow.
What Animals have I Seen on the Allotment?
At the allotment I have seen a live snake in the well. I see frogs in the well all the time. I see lots of dragonflies, worms, snails, centipedes, butterflies and birds. I saw baby white mice, but they have gone now. I think there is a badger that comes every night to the compost heap, but I haven’t seen it.
What I Don’t Like about the Allotment?
I don’t like weeding that much, only
a bit.We have started weeding it because the marestail is growing back.
What do I Plant at the Allotment?
At the allotment I am planting tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, rhubarb, herbs, garlic, sweetcorn
and flowers. I have my own raised
bed where I have planted seeds for salad leaves, carrots, and parsnips.
I am looking forward to eating the cucumbers the most.
What do I Do at the Allotment?
At the allotment I water plants, plant things, put food on the compost heap, help build things for it AND DO LOTS OF WEEDING!
If you want something to grow things in, I would recommend getting an allotment, even if you have a garden of your own.
There will be lots of weeds!
 Bea’s allotment
   Allotment Gardener | Issue 2 2024 | 27

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