Page 14 - Cadet Review Spring 2023
P. 14

                                Joint Service News
  has transformed the experience of the 100 or so local cadets who parade here every week. It has created bright, attractive classrooms, offices for
our adult volunteers, a wonderful drill hall and has even made room for Yorkshire’s first Virtual Reality training centre. The Harrogate Cadet Centre is so well situated in the region that it can offer this new facility to cadets from over 28 other squadrons to enjoy and enhance their Air Cadets experience. We couldn’t be more delighted that the benefits this new development is already bringing to young people in the town and we are delighted that His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant in addition to Harrogate’s Mayor have been able to join us for its official opening.”
The evening’s operation was managed by
It has created bright, attractive classrooms, offices for our adult volunteers
Harrogate Squadron Commander, Flight Lieutenant Clare Crebbin, ably supported by Squadron Leader Adam Waudby who arranged virtual flights on the simulators, including arranging for the Lord-Lieu- tenant to fly over her home, and the team, led by Major Tom Woodall, from Yorkshire (North and West) ACF who provided a superb supper on completion of the event. Both the Lord-Lieutenant and the Mayor of Harrogate, Councillor Victoria Oldham, left with positive impressions of the activities that cadets from both services are able to participate in.
In addition, the Lord-Lieutenant kindly promoted to Cadet Warrant Officer, Flight Sergeant Samantha Crebbin (her current Lord-Lieutenant’s Air Cadet) and Flight Sergeant Kadie Warriner.
During the Lord-Lieutenant’s Award presentation for the East Riding Of Yorkshire a special presentation was made of the plaque to commemorate the Official Opening of the Joint Cadet Centre, Wolfe Armoury, in Beverley.
The centre has undergone a huge refurbishment programme courtesy of the RFCA to ensure that future cadets have a fantastic space to train in.
The ceremony has been delayed twice due to the pandemic restrictions, the death of Her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and ongoing work.
Unit commanders and a representative cadet from both the Army and Air Cadets joined the Lord-Lieu- tenant to declare the units officially, but virtually, open.
Due to the delays involved in the presentation the Lord-Lieutenant will schedule an in person visit in the spring of 2023 to see the cadets in action, and where he is sure to be impressed with the facilities, training and personnel involved who have ensured this project has allowed many cadets to start their cadet experience and succeed in many areas already.
   Cadet Ewan Biddick, Flight Sergeant Simon Walford, Lord-Lieutenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire, Mr Jim Dick OBE, Cadet George Milson and Major Richard Lenton

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