Page 31 - Cadet Review Spring 2023
P. 31

Chaplain (SCC) Duncan Harris RNR, Mrs Babs Harris with the District Officer Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Des Green RNR and Junior Cadets
Our traditional Carol Service took place with our very own RMC Daniel Mackenzie-Hastings playing his bagpipes to entertain the audience. All of the cadets who gave readings were excellent and cadets from Intermediate Cooks’ class manned the refreshments table. For our Padre, Chaplain (SCC) Duncan Harris RNR, it was his final service as he announced his retirement. The District Officer, Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Des Green RNR gave the Presentation and Junior Cadets handed gifts to Duncan and his wife Babs. We wish them happy times for the future.
RMC Daniel Mackenzie-Hastings
Sea Cadets
Evening 2022
In December we hosted Mrs Venetia Wrigley, Deputy Lieutenant for North Yorkshire as guest of honour for our Annual Presentation Evening.
The night is an opportunity for the ship’s company to be recognised for their efforts and achievements over the last 12 months. The evening began with ceremonial colours for our Guest of Honour, Mrs Wrigley, who then presented the cadets and staff with their awards.
A fantastic evening, thank you to the parents and friends for their hosting duties and congrat- ulations to everyone on a fabulous night.
 Bag packing at Morrisons Beverley – December
The unit participated in the first bag packing session at the store since before lock-down. The customers were extremely generous and we raised £1,160.35 for Unit funds.

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