Page 49 - Cadet Review Spring 2023
P. 49

                                MIRFIELD AIR CADETS END 2022 WITH A PRESENTATION EVENING
Just a week before Christmas, cadets, parents and friends, staff and committee and invited guests gathered in great numbers at Christ the King Church on Stocks Bank Road in Battyeford, to celebrate the successes and achievements of the year, and there was a lot to celebrate!
The principal guests for the evening were Ed Anderson CBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, and Councillor Vivien Lees-Hamilton, Mayor of Mirfield.
An opening display was presented by the
Squadron band, providing a stirring introduction to the proceedings, before the Squadron Commander, Flight Lieutenant Peter Doubell, welcomed everybody and made a short opening address focusing on how very successful the Squadron had been throughout the year in recovering from constraints of the Covid-19 pandemic, and highlighting wide-ranging variety of activities and achievements the cadets had enjoyed during the year, all of which were illustrated in a slide-show running on screens in front of the congregation.
Following this introduction, the Squadron Chaplain, Rev’d Christine Shedd conducted the formal enrolment of 10 new cadets.
The Lord-Lieutenant and Mayor then took the stage to present certificates, and in all there were around 200 certificates to be presented to cadets plus adult staff, including:
• 29 certificates representing academic progress through the Corps’ classification
• 17 Aviation certificates, at Blue level
• 17 Certificates for Space Studies, accredited by the Open University Open Learn scheme
• 26 Communications and Cyber Awards
Other presentations included Top All-Round Cadet certificate and Commandant's Coin for Cadet Warrant Officer Jacob Stockwell, a Level 7 Award in Leadership and Management for Civilian Instructor Lionel Green and their new Cadet Forces Warrants for WO Michelle Alford and WO Simon Kelly.
There were two additional presentations of special note: Warrant Officer Michelle Alford
In all there were
around 200 certificates to be presented to cadets plus adult staff
    was awarded the second clasp to her Cadet Forces Medal, and her Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Medal and Civilian Instructor Sue Doubell had a special presentation from the Squadron
Committee to recognise her committed and ongoing involvement with the Squadron in the
management of membership subscriptions and delivery of Presentation Skills and
Methods of Instruction programmes, along with the BTEC in Teamwork and Personal Development in liaison with the Cadet Vocational Qualifications Organisation.
Presentation of the annual trophies went to:
Eliot Ryan - Gillian Lockwood Trophy for Cadets' Cadet (as voted for by cadets), Jacob Stockwell – Elite Trophy, for
long-term successful commitment to the Squadron
Tornado Flight – Inter-flight Competition
The formal proceedings concluded with five promotions: Sergeants Katie Ashford, Joshua Clark and Shaun Michell, together with Corporals Gabriella Green and Eliot Ryan.

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