Page 48 - Cadet Review Spring 2023
P. 48

                                 SWY Wing ATC
With the relaxation of the Covid-19 restrictions, it was a great relief for the cadets of 868 (Mirfield) Squadron to be able to support some charitable events such as the annual Children in Need night in November.
A fun time was had by all with series of activities, well removed from the normal routine, which led to £257 being raised for the charity.
Activities during the evening included: • Banana eating race
• How many marshmallows can you get in your
• Leg waxing
• Quiz
• ‘Pudsey’ themed raffle
The evening culminated in a “sponge the NCOs”
session, cadet NCO’s dressed down to t-shirts and shorts for the privilege of assembling outside on the parade ground to have wet sponges thrown at them by cadets, who gladly parted with more money for the
and others took little persuasion to part with money in order to consume the cakes on display
opportunity! The NCOs got very wet, but were soon brought back inside to dry off, change and have a hot drink.
Children in Need was just one of the charitable events supported by the Squadron during the Autumn period, starting in September when cadets and staff were involved in collections for the Royal Air Force Association Wings Appeal around Mirfield, operating out of a base set up in the local Co-Op supermarket.
Later in the same month, the Squadron also held a coffee ‘morning’ during their regular evening meeting as a fund-raising activity for MacMillan Cancer Support, where a large selection of cakes and other delicacies were available for purchase by cadets and staff alike, as well as a raffle for a star prize, a Chocolate Button Cake, which was won
by Cadet Damian Bednarczyk. Cadets and others took little persuasion to part with money in order to consume the cakes on display, and in all £189 pounds was raised in donations for the charity.
Finally, just before the Children in Need Night, was Remembrance Day, and in the lead up to it cadets were out around Mirfield once again collecting, this time for the Poppy Appeal in support of the Mirfield Branch of the Royal British Legion. The total effort
in the local town managed to raise the amazing sum £17,000!
The Squadron Commander, Flight Lieutenant Peter Doubell said “the Autumn has always been a busy and active period for us but it is one where we are willing and able to support some very worthy causes, and we do try to make the occasions fun.”

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