Page 46 - Cadet Review Spring 2023
P. 46
Annual Presentation
On Friday 25th November 250 (Halifax) Squadron held its Annual Presentation Evening, for the first time since 2019. All members of the Squadron and parents gathered at The Southwood Club, Halifax,
to recognise the achievements and successes of the Squadron over the last 12 months. We were pleased to be joined by Wing Commander Brian Daniel, Officer Commanding South and West Yorkshire Wing as our guest of honour.
We were pleased to have members of the Cadet NCO Team give a jampacked review of the year reflecting on what a busy year 2022 turned out to be. Cadets were then presented with first aid and flying certificates before the main award categories. We recognised over 15 cadets for their contributions to Squadron over the last 12 months.
Congratulations to Cadet Flight Sergeant Jake Thomas for being awarded the Best NCO 2022; for his commitment and dedication to Squadron in addition to his achievements with completing the Air Cadet Leadership Couse at RAF Cranwell in the summer. Cadet Evelyn Cresswell was awarded Best Cadet 2022; for her enthusiasm and dedication to developing her musical talents by achieving the rare gold music badge as part of the National Marching Band.
Flight Lieutenant Jordan Swaine, Officer Commanding 250 (Halifax) Squadron said “This annual event is incredibly important to recognise the amazing achievements of our cadets over the last
12 months. I’m incredibly proud to command this Squadron and work with such a high calibre of young people. All those presented with awards should be rightly proud.”
Congratulations to Corporals Harrison Linley and Harry Wood of 1354 (Askern) Squadron who achieved their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at the end of 2022.
After a year of determination, both have worked extremely hard to complete their awards. Over the course of their timescales, they both chose to improve their circuit fitness for their physical section. For their Skills Section Cpl Wood took up the new skill of learning to fly whilst Cpl Linley learnt how to shoot various weapons through the RAFAC. Both dedicated their time across the community with Cpl Wood helping our junior cadets develop their drill and Cpl Linley helping young people complete a summer reading challenge at Selby Library!
They both completed their expedition
in the Peak District with an aim to
count the various types of birds they
The Squadron are immensely proud of both for completing their awards. They are the first at the Squadron to have completed their awards since 2018 and are two of only 8 Bronze Awards achieved in the last ten
years. Well done both and good luck progressing onto your Silver Awards!
White Rose Shooting Competition
Congratulations to 103 (Doncaster) Squadron who have won the Wing White Rose Shooting competition with 208 (North Leeds) and 1325 (Dinnington) Squadrons achieving second and third places respectively. The competition comprises of a number of different shooting disciplines.
A fantastic thirty one units participated in the competition which included cadets taking part in live firing practices for air rifle, small bore and clay target shooting. Well done to all who took part!