Page 44 - Cadet Review Spring 2023
P. 44
Cadet Evelyn Cresswell of 250 (Halifax) Squadron has this year achieved the very top music award available within the RAF Air Cadets; alongside attending 4 residential camps. Cdt Cresswell was a keen musician before joining the Squadron in 2021 and was itching to take advantage of all the musical activities our organisation offers. This meant she quickly qualified for a blue level music badge; being able to demonstrate a certain ability level on her instrument.
One of the camps she attended was as part of the National Marching Band at RAF Halton. This was a massive achievement for someone so new to the RAF Air Cadets and involved plenty of military drill and music training.
She is the youngest member of the National Marching Band ever to achieve her gold music badge; something we are incredibly proud of and shows her dedication and skill; and is now one of a small number of cadets in the North Region to hold the gold music badge.
In April Cdt Cresswell also had the honour of being part of the National Marching Band performing at The Tower of London for the unveiling of the Commonwealth Globe. An accolade not many cadets or civilian musicians can claim to have.
Flight Lieutenant Jordan Swaine, Officer Commanding 250 (Halifax) Squadron, said “Cdt Cresswell is a fairly new cadet to Squadron
but has started her cadet career with a bang. She is the first member of Squadron ever to achieve the gold music badge and be part of the National Marching Band. We are all very proud and look forward to her next steps”.
Thanks to the connections within the community through CI Jim Thornton’s work to the local fire station, recently the cadets at 185 (Batley) Squadron were lucky enough to have two visits to Dewsbury fire station.
The cadets and staff were given a tour of the station and the equipment which West Yorkshire fire service use on a daily basis to help save lives. They were even given an opportunity to use the equipment and slide down the firefighter’s pole.
Cadet Charlie Orr took away from the experience that the firefighters ‘save people, property and the planet’. All the cadets came away from the visit saying that they all learnt something new and thoroughly enjoyed being firefighters for the evening.
Blue Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Badge
12 Barnsley Air Cadets have recently completed their Blue Duke of Edinburgh’s award badges, which are the pre-cursor of the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s award.
The award takes 3 months to complete and involves taking part in sporting ventures, learning new things and being involved
with a community event to name a few. Outstanding that 12 cadets have completed this award and most now are carrying on to Bronze awards this year. Well done to all of them and we look forward to each of them progressing in their Duke of Edinburgh’s awards in the future.