Page 5 - Cadet Review Spring 2023
P. 5
This guide has been prepared to
help contributors in the submission
of articles which will assist both the authors and the Editor in selection
of suitable stories for inclusion in
the magazine, reduce the effort required in editing and ultimately aim to include your stories. Of late many of the articles received have been poorly written, in terms of interest, timeliness, grammar, spelling and
the provision of photographs has in many cases been so poor that they have been rejected. Not only is this a poor reflection on unit achievements, but also in some cases means that the story cannot be used without a good picture to illustrate the point.
Contributions are always welcome from all Cadet Force units within Yorkshire and the Humber; Sea Cadets, Army Cadets, Air Cadets and Combined Cadet Force Contingents. Regrettably the number of contribu- tions from the CCF remains low.
It is important that quality control of all contributions is maintained through well written, interesting articles accompanied by high quality photographs. This requires that careful, accurate proof reading including that grammar, punctuation, spelling mistakes and reference to dates long past should be corrected at unit level before submission to the Editor.
All contributions are to be supplied to the Editor by the dates shown inside the front cover of the Cadet Review which are 15 January, 15 May and 15 September for the Spring, Summer and Autumn editions respectively.
Any copy received after the deadline
is unlikely to be included in the next issue, and may not be rolled over to the subsequent issue especially if
it contains times, dates etc., which would render it well out of date by
the time the next edition is published. The Editor is happy to take articles at any time between publication dates and would rather have a drip feed of stories than a huge amount to edit in one go.
As a guide the size of individual articles should be between 300 and 500 words, or around an A4 sheet of paper, together with photographs. However, longer articles would always
be considered for major events such as expeditions, Annual Camps, foreign exchanges etc. The Editor will exercise his prerogative to reduce article lengths, to meet the limitations set by the publisher and by costs.
Units should be aware that no guarantee can be given that all they submit will be published. Articles should be submitted either by email, Dropbox (or similar) or memory stick and should be in Microsoft Word format, preferably Times New Roman font at size 12.
Abbreviations are initially to be explained in full at the first use in
the article e.g. Sea Cadet Corps
(SCC) which can then be used on subsequent uses, beware though the use of standard military abbreviations as many of the readers may have little or no previous military service. If in doubt – spell it out! When submitting articles please ensure the author is identified and that first names are included as these add detail to the story and personalise it, especially for the cadets who are featured. The lack of first names renders many stories impersonal and are often rejected,
or it takes an inordinate amount of time to find these out, sometimes with the same result. If in any doubt, please look at previous editions of the magazine.
These are highly desirable and
must be submitted in digital format. They should be as high quality as possible and a minimum of 300 dpi. If applicable it would be helpful for the picture number to be inserted at the relevant point in the text where the photographs are to appear, alongside a caption for that image.
Captions should be shown in the body of the article, not as the image title. Under no circumstances should images be embedded into Word documents as these cannot be worked on by the Editor or publisher.
Only those photographs which the subscriber wishes to use in the article should be submitted. Images may be submitted as for stories and should be in JPEG format.
For Yorkshire and the Humber
Reserve Forces and Cadets Association
For more information visit
If you are interested in joining one of the Cadet Forces as an Adult Instructor or as a Cadet, full information can be found on the national websites with links to local contacts:
Sea Cadets
Army Cadets
Air Cadets
Dates for contributions to be received by the Editor are as follows;
Spring Edition Copy by 15 Jan Summer Edition Copy by 15 May Autumn/Winter Edition Copy by 15 Sept
All contributions to be supplied in Word Format and photographs preferably in jpeg format at the highest possible quality. Contributions to be sent through each unit Public Relations Officer as below:
Sea Cadet Corps
Commander Richard De La Mare
Army Cadet Force Humberside and South Yorkshire Captain Neil Bizzell
Army Cadet Force Yorkshire (North & West) Lieutenant Colonel Mick Bell
Air Cadets
Central and East Yorkshire Wing Squadron Leader Alan Taylor
South and West Yorkshire Wing
Flight Lieutenant Matt Bulmer