Page 23 - Oundle Life January 2021
P. 23

                                     Who makes you laugh? There are a few famous people (Peter Kay) that make me laugh and not so famous is my work colleague Sue Taylor. We do not stop laughing.
Proudest moment? Our son Bradley graduating at Bristol University.
Dinner out or at home? Dining out. I love an old English pub with a lovely fireplace and great steak and chips. We don’t have a pub in our village so our nearest one is The Ship.
...and a favourite tipple to go with it... I like a glass of red wine, Rioja comes to mind.
You have a day off, what do you do? I love spending time outside walking, reading, baking and browsing in antique shops.
If money was no object, where would
you visit? I have been very fortunate to have travelled a lot, as I worked for P&O, but would still love to get to see the orangutans in Borneo.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? I have a four-year-old labrador called Bella. I have
grown up with this breed all my life.
Any future ambitions? I would like to tour the UK coastlines, but most of all I’m looking
forward to going up to Scotland again. Favourite place to dine out? I don’t have a
favourite place to eat out because I like a variety of places for different reasons.
Jaffa Cake or Hobnob? Hobnobs! Because I always make a sandwich out of two biscuits with the chocolate on the inside so I don’t get chocolate all over my fingers.
Something people don’t know about you...
I was born in Liverpool but I grew up on the Wirral, Cheshire and I originally wanted a career as a hairdresser.
Who inspires you? People who have made a lasting contribution towards creating a better world. They have their various achievements, but also by their attitude and values.

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