Page 21 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 21

                                Dragon (Earl of Chester’s) Coy
 OC Major Andy Snell CSM WO2 Robert Muir CQMS(M) CSgt Craig Robinson CQMS(T) CSgt Robert Brookes
OC Anti-Tank Platoon:
Capt Christopher Bermingham
OC Reconnaissance Platoon:
Capt James McNeil
OC Mortar Platoon:
Capt Luke Riordan
OC Sniper Platoon:
CSgt Smith
OC Pioneer Platoon:
Sgt Chris Lavelle
   OC’s Foreword
This year has seen a diverse range of challenges facing Dragon (Earl of Chester’s) Coy which the battalion’s specialist weapons platoons have met with the typical mixture of grit, professionalism and humour.
With readiness the key theme of the year, we returned to a back to basics focus on specialist weapons cadres. Throughout
the year Dragon Coy has nurtured and excelled in the skills which are fundamental to delivering tank-killing, offensive support, pioneer, reconnaissance and precision strike capabilities for the Battle Group. In this respect we achieved notable success with the Anti-Tank Platoon hosting the Brigade Anti-Tank concentration, and Mortars proving beyond doubt, during the Brigade Mortar concentration, that the best Mortar detachment in 1 Brigade belongs to 1 MERCIAN. In addition to our commitment to readiness, members of Dragon Coy have contributed to success on operation ORBITAL and prepare to deploy again later in the year.
Further opportunities to hone these skills were presented during Exercise LIONS STRIKE on Salisbury plain; CATT, involving multiple simulated BG AI Exercises and Exercise STEEL DRAGON, joint live fire training with the Mortar Platoon. July gave Dragon Coy a chance to retire to the rolling hills of West Wales in Pembrokeshire
and conduct armoured and dismounted ranges at Castle Martin. This became an opportunity not only to fire live but also to conduct adventure training and develop company cohesion. As I write, preparations are underway for Mortars’ and Anti-
Tanks’ soldiers to deploy for a roulement
tour of the Falklands Islands with A Coy. Planning for the LCPV is well in hand and will provide a valuable opportunity for Live Fire Training. This is especially true for the Anti-Tank platoon who will be fortunate enough to Live Fire several Javelin Missiles; a rare opportunity in these days of financial austerity. Towards the end of the year, recce, snipers and Javelin platoons are looking forward to supporting B Coy in dismounted joint exercises, over challenging terrain in Lithuania, together with NATO allies.
Aside from our core business the Coy has been busily involved in multiple additional activities which contribute towards professional excellence and the MERCIAN brand. These have included entering
and winning the Coltman VC stretcher
race over the near-alpine Malvern Hills (Reconnaissance Platoon), buglers playing at the D-Day memorial parade in Normandy (Ptes McGlone and Dennett), taking part
in the Danish sniper competition (a wild combination of shooting, field craft and survival skills), support to multiple drums and bugles jobs up and down the country and putting the young officers through their paces in Exercise SHARPE’S SWORD. These are but a few of the Company’s achievements.
Stellar individual performances worthy of note go to Pte Peach who won the coveted best bugler prize at the battalion bugles competition, Cpl James for promoting AI excellence by coming second on his recent RIGs course, Cpl Anderson for his Charity work, Pte Jarvis who is on track for the GB Judo team, Pte Pierce for completing the
gruelling Devizes to Westminster Canoe race, Pte McBride for winning the Army Individual Squash Championships at his first attempt and Capt McNeil who won a CGS’ commendation for his selfless commitment in 20 Brigade.
The year has also witnessed significant churn in key personalities and we are grateful for the graft, diligence and example set by those who departed this year.
These include Maj Bailey, CSgt Frost, CSgt Geoghegan, CSgt Woods, Sgt Rigley, Capt Anderson and Capt Lowe. We wish them all the best for the future. The show goes on however and Dragon Coy is fortunate
to welcome newcomers CSgt Robinson
as the new CQMS (M), CSgt Brookes into CQMS (T), CSgt Street who becomes 2ic Recce, CSgt Smith who takes over Snipers, Capts McNeil & Bermingham who become OC Recce and A-Tk respectively, and Sgt Lavelle who now leads the pioneer platoon.
As 2016 closes and 2017 is fast upon us, the Earl of Chester’s company is looking forward to another year beset with rewarding challenge and multiple opportunities; notable amongst them a return to BATUS in the alternative role of opposing force is certain to provide both reward and opportunity in abundance.
    Assault Pioneer Platoon Pl Comd: Sgt Rigley
The past year has been a busy time for the Platoon, in particular the Corp of Drums. The Corp has continued to progress and carry out a number of events.
In May a Best Bugler competition was held with the Commanding Officer, Adjutant and RSM acting as judges. This tested the Buglers ability to perform calls and hit a range of notes. The Adjutants Silver Bugle was awarded to Dmr Peach.
The Corp was fortunate to perform at the Bowyers Charity Dinner night held in the capital on 2 June. This was the highest profile performance that the Band had conducted to date since the formation
of the Platoon. Prior to this performance, the Corp was taking every opportunity
to practice, including the down time whilst on guard (this was a surprise to the surrounding public and soon gathered an audience of Sodexo staff).
Additionally, Buglers we’re supplied to assist with 3 Div’s pilgrimage to Omaha Beach to mark the Normandy landings. The two Buglers (Dmr McGlone and Dennett) performed the Last Post call on Omaha beach to a crowd of hundred’s including on looking tourists.
To mark my departure as the Platoon Commander and handover to Sgt Lavelle, I
d d
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a parting gift that represents both sides of the Platoon. The Regiment is very much a family organisation and therefore Mrs Rigley was called upon to use her cake talents.
(You’ve done me proud duck!)

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