Page 72 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 72

                                   Adventure Training Weekend 2Lt Nat Newman, Badajoz Platoon Commander
As per the traditional start of any article, by any Battalion, in any Regimental Journal, it has been a busy year.
C Company’s efforts have been
split to address the training focus of operations in complex terrain and preparation to support the forthcoming
rotation of Op TOSCA, with a significant number of the Company due to deploy
to Cyprus shortly. With all these activities ongoing and having been a Platoon Commander at C Company for just over a year, it was probably
time for me to get my hands dirty and organise a weekend. In January
responsibility for the annual Company Adventure Training weekend was,
therefore, placed into my hands. With the loose direction of ‘do something slightly different’ I eventually decided
upon a package of skiing and climbing at a civilian centre called Tallington Lakes.
After writing the weekend admin letter and getting funding signed off by
the Commanding Officer, I was feeling happy that I had covered all bases. As always however, it is wise to remember
that no plan survives first contact and, unfortunately for me, this adage became relevant all too quickly when, two days before the weekend, I got a call asking
me “who’s going to take over the accommodation? The permanent staff
are on leave.” After a few frantic calls,
and with help from the C Company QPSI, these issues were resolved, and so on Friday night we made the move down to St Georges Barracks, North Luffenham.
Saturday consisted of a rotation of climbing and abseiling on a 20 meter
tower, and skiing on a dry ski slope. For
the skiing beginners it was a pleasure
to watch the progression over the two hours. It was especially impressive that Pte Bridges picked up the skills so quickly that by the end he was awarded ‘Recreational Proficiency’ by the centre, meaning that he can, after only two hours, ski on their slope without an instructor. On the climbing wall, despite many valiant attempts, no one was able to beat the foreboding overhang which turned many forearms to jelly.
A tough job but somebody has to do it. C Coy 4 Mercian AT Weekend, Tallington Lakes, Aug 16
On Saturday afternoon the Company made the most of the sun and enjoyed a BBQ at the back of the camp. This provided an excellent opportunity to celebrate Pte Shand’s birthday, and to welcome Pte Sampson to the company. The BBQ was rounded off by Pte Davison agreeing to eat a whole lettuce for the prize of a beer. To the surprise of many he achieved this feat and gratefully received his prize. (Cost of beer, £1)
After a trip to Stanford to round off the evening, some were left more enthusiastic than others about paintballing on Sunday morning. Despite this, when the paint started flying all members were more than willing to launch daring raids and flanking manoeuvres onto the objectives and the ‘enemy’ positions. Once the games had been completed all that was left was to decide upon a method to use up the excess paint, the solution was very entertaining for all, except perhaps, for those involved.
The weekend was a great success – a reminder to the old and bold, and an insight to the younger members of the Company that not all training has to involve damp forestry blocks and muddy hillsides. This being the first weekend that I had organised I personally learned a great deal, not least the importance of the many aspects of G4 which always just seem to happen, all courtesy
of Sgt Woodward, the CQMS who kindly pointed out, but mercifully smoothed over, many of the oversights that I had made.
    How much do you trust your officers? The author, 2Lt Nat Newman with lives in his hands, Tallington Lakes, August 16
4 MERCIAN Mortars/Manchester Airport Armistice Service/Nov 15

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