Page 74 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 74

                                we were given a quick introduction and familiarisation to the equipment and techniques in controlling an inflatable raft. This greatly helped our newer members
as they acquainted themselves with this new and exciting experience. The skills and co-ordination involved
shouting directions over the sounds of the raging water rushing downstream. As the channel narrowed we were surrounded by rocky outcrops and the speed of the river quickened as the water was forced through the narrows. It certainly seemed to be more
  when mastering the
raft, as well as the communication within the team, proved essential as we were
to navigate the more treacherous elements of the river later on. Teams then began rehearsing capsize drills in the (hopefully) unlikely event the worst should happen.
rocks than river by this point. So with a lively mixture of bouncing and tumbling on our way, we somehow negotiated the white water to emerge intact and our teams dismounted having thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
In the evening, we returned to our tents
to enjoy a hot meal, a warm camp fire and we exchanged stories of the day. I’m happy to report that despite what seemed to be some of our teams’ best efforts, we were all unscathed. Tired and happy, we retired to our tents and enjoyed a well earned night’s sleep before packing up the following morning and returning to Hanley.
This greatly helped our newer members as they acquainted themselves with this new and exciting experience.
 We all made sure we knew exactly what to do, since should a team capsize there would be little opportunity to catch up
with the rest of the group as they hurtled down the rapids. Rehearsals complete, Dragon Company launched into the rapids negotiating various obstacles as they went,
LCpl Rook, Pte Edelsten, Pte Potts, Pte Goodall and Pte Legge ready for the climb
community locally and there is a good relationship between HQ Company and them. In December the battalion celebrated Ferozeshah, a battle honour from India when our forebear Regiments fought against Sikh Regiments but the mutual respect developed saw Sikh Regiments being brought into the British Army and
is a relationship that still exists today. To remember the event a parade was held
at Battalion headquarters with 40 guests invited from the local Sikh community.
HQ Company hosted everyone and a local Sikh Gurdwara very kindly provided lunch. In March there was a Battalion inter-section skills competition which HQ Company both ran (under Colour Sergeant Brooks) and competed in. There was no favouritism shown and the HQ team came second, very narrowly missing out on first place.
In April it was MATTs and HQ Company ran the training weekend which saw 120 soldiers attend and pass the majority
of their MATTs. In June there was a G4 competition with a variety of skills tested such as Prisoner of War handling and driving which HQ Company, led by the Quartermaster (Tech) Captain Richard Jones ran. September was a battalion training exercise in Urban Operations and HQ Company provided the G4 (logistics) under the Company Quartermaster Sergeant, Sergeant Martin Heliwell as well as having a number of fighting troops.
In addition to Battalion training there has been a number of Company level training events. In January we spent a weekend on the ranges at RAF Cosford practising Close
HQ Company
    It has been another busy and successful year for Headquarters Company. This is
my last Mercian Eagle article as Officer Commanding Headquarters Company after 3 years in the post and the Company has changed a great deal in that time. Company Headquarters is based in Wolverhampton, with a platoon based in Kidderminster which was part of another Company and
a recruit platoon based in the University of Wolverhampton (which did not exist 3 years ago).
Notable changes this year are that
WO2 Dougie Spooner has moved into
the Company as Regimental Signals Warrant Officer and there have been promotions for Lance Corporals Claire Petett and Richard Greenhill to Corporal and Privates Jenny Bird, Fradgley and Parker to Lance Corporal. There are also a few more promotions due in the next few weeks. The Company has been heavily involved in both Battalion and Company training. The Company had a large
number of soldiers on Askari Storm with
2 MERCIAN, providing all of the Reservist Light Machine Gunners for the exercise and some taking part in the full 6 week exercise.
The University of Wolverhampton Platoon is recruited from all students
at the University but has a particularly strong element from the Armed Forces Course. The soldiers have taken part in
all of the other activities that the rest of
the Company has done but having more time available than the rest of the Company in full time work they have been on various exercises this year which, by the end of
the year, will include; as well as UK based, overseas exercises (including Lithuania). One point of note from the Platoon was Private Lewis White being presented with
a trophy from Lt General Bashall for the best dissertation from the Armed Forces Course. His dissertation was on the conflict in Cyprus and he is about to deploy, with others from the Battalion for his second UN tour to Cyprus. Maybe early research for a Masters?
Throughout the course of the year
HQ Company have hosted or run several Battalion events and training. Being located in Wolverhampton there is a large Sikh

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