Page 96 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 96

                                     Our Education Team
Dave Shergold supporting at Cosford Airshow
Battle of the Somme Exhibition
the Battle of the Somme. July 1st was an emotional day here at the museum and our trench system seemed to take on a more poignant role for the day. We started at 7.00am when permanent staff from DMS Whittington held a vigil in the trench, blowing their whistle to mark the beginning of a two minute silence, exactly 100 years ago to the day when they were blown in the trenches at the start of the battle. Throughout the rest of the day we were busy offering free trench tours to visitors and welcoming people
who had come to see the fantastic two new exhibitions we had up. The first being
We started at 7.00am when permanent staff from DMS Whittington held a vigil in the trench...
      Pte Derby visiting the museum
The Somme Vigil

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