Page 97 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 97

                                             Our two home front ladies on one of our discovery days
    Classic Car Day at the museum
a stunning brown paper trench scene by a local student artists and also an informative piece around Major Cecil Wedgwood and the 168 men, from the North Staffordshire Regiment, which he led into battle on the 3rd July. We ended the day with a final service of remembrance in the trench.
Over the past 12 months we have had the opportunity to work more closely with personnel from the Mercian Regiment.
It was a privilege to attend this year’s
annual Pilgrimage to Crich with a museum stand and also the recent open day at
2 MERCIAN. The Regimental Support Team have also been a tremendous help over the year with support at some of our events and by assisting us with our Mercian Heroes
Charity bootcamp held here at the museum
The RST team supporting museum events
project. This saw us begin collecting the oral histories of personnel who had served on Operation Herrick and other campaigns through their career. It’s a project we hope to continue in the future, and to spread wider into the antecedent associations.
Looking ahead to 2017 the museum will be focused upon its re-development plans
which hopes to see some radical changes to the site. A new website is on its way and several new exhibitions and gallery updates. If you want to follow what we are doing please sign up to our social media pages to find out more or feel free to pop along and introduce yourselves, the kettle is always on.

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