Page 48 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 48

  OC Foreword
It is an honour and a privilege to have been given command of the men
of B (Malta) Coy, 2 MERCIAN. The team I inherited from my predecessor, Maj Rob Agnew, has maintained
the highest professional standards throughout their mission specific training and on to Op SHADER. At each turn, B Coy personnel have excelled themselves whether it was completing Jungle warfare courses, training Kurdish Peshmerga, raising money for charity or supporting
the Battalion deployment as part of
the Rear Operations Group. They have upheld the finest traditions demonstrated by their forebears in 1941-42 and should be rightly proud of their efforts. The coming months will see a return to the mechanics of infantry soldiering, putting readiness and warfighting skills at the heart of our efforts. The culmination is an overseas Coy group deployment followed by the unit move to Cyprus.
The relentless pace of change continues. The outgoing OC, Maj
Rob Agnew moves to Bn 2IC; his commitment to developing the Coy was second to none and I thank him for that. Other personalities leaving include Capt Phil Price (again), Lt Ed Ireland, Sgts Cotterill and Hodgkinson, Cpls Bradley, Cherry, Hesketh, Mumby and Clampitt. Your efforts in improving the lot of the
B Coy soldier have been gratefully appreciated and we wish you all the best for the future. The Coy welcomes Sgts Crease, Davis and Cpl Grant.
Although at times it must feel we are under siege as we were in Malta
in 1942, 2018 holds some exciting opportunities and a chance to share in some unique experiences that only a light role infantry soldier can access.
OC Maj James Ballard 2IC Capt Ed Ireland
WO2 (CSM) Zecca CQMS CSgt Umney
                                B (Malta) Company
Pre Deployment Training – Lt Camp
     B (Malta) Coy, 2 MERCIAN deployed to Sennybridge Training Area in Brecon. As the transcendent home of the Infantry, this area was used to prepare the Coy for their forthcoming Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRX) in preparation for deployment on Op SHADER 5 in latter period of 2017.
The Coy deployed for 5 days; the fundamental aim of this training was to establish good practice of the Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTP’s) commonly utilised on deployments. The rehearsals provided the sub-unit with an opportunity to develop and improve their competency in these areas.
By its complex nature, Op SHADER presents the British Army with a challenging operating environment, unique to all theatre experiences throughout the 21st Century. Resultantly, the organisation has revamped the TTP’s to avoid Op HERRICK or Op TELIC mind-sets emerging.
We utilised Civilian Armoured Vehicles (CAV) throughout the operation an up- armoured Toyota Land Cruiser. Considering our mode of travel, the first day was
spent refining our vehicle contact drills to ensure proficiency amidst the soldiers. Under the tutelage of Sgt Armstrong, the Force Protection (FP) multiple spent a considerable period conducting vehicle convoy drills and escorting VIP’s throughout the Area of Operations (AO), relative to their role in theatre.
We then switched our attention to
the current J2 (Intelligence) picture,
this provided the soldiers with a wider understanding of the geopolitical context we will be operating in. Furthermore,
we focused on Op CARDEL scenarios which gave everyone an opportunity to practice the role of a ‘guardian angel’ and discuss the implications of overreacting or hesitation. The team at the Military Training and Mobilisation Centre (MTMC) instructed us on behavioural clues and lessons learnt
from previous insider attacks in the All Ranks Brief (ARB). They brought realities to bear throughout.
On the following day, our training predominantly focused on Urban Ops.
We had the benefit of using simunition throughout and overall this was deemed to be a fantastic training tool, enjoyed by all, regardless of the severe bruising. The team delivering the training was exceptionally well trained having completed the Urban Ops Instructor Course. This provided a great example for the junior soldiers who will be expected to teach to the Peshmerga whilst deployed.
During the exercise, we were very fortunate to enjoy a visit by a meticulously skilled Chinook crew from RAF Odiham. This experience exposed the soldiers
to the aircraft and gave them a greater understanding of how this aircraft functions within the theatre environment. Witnessing stomach churning manoeuvres being conducted at a very low altitude was a great highlight to the week.
To ensure we were fully prepared for
the upcoming MRX, we practiced theatre specific ‘actions on’. This included actions on Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Radiological (CBRN) weapons. The unit was continually tested on these key skills and life-saving drills throughout the duration of the MRX to reinforce their understanding and crucial implementation when required.
Overall, B (Malta) Coy had a very positive and successful week in training. In light of it being the first opportunity for the Coy
to operate within their deployment teams, they displayed a vast understanding of the demanding, yet formative nature of the theatre specific roles. It was an excellent opportunity to enable the development
and implementation of key TTP’s that will empower success both on the MRX and in-theatre moving forward.
PDT started off with a Platoon level
LFTT in Warcop, giving the Platoon an opportunity to brush up on their green skills. This was deemed an enjoyable experience across the board.
As a Force Protection Civilian Armoured Vehicle (CAV) driver my first tasking was the CAV course which covered the following; vehicle maintenance, high speed reversing and skid manoeuvring which covered
Lt Yaxley
B Company has been involved in numerous worldwide activities this year, namely sporting, Adventurous Training (AT) challenges and operations.
The Coy enjoyed a great start to the
year as members of the Battalion Ski team competed at the Divisional Championships in France. This is one of the many examples of B Company making the most of AT opportunities in the Army.
In the latter period of the year,
the Company concentrated their efforts on future Operations making sure they were prepared fully for Op SHADER, Op FIRIC and Vetted Syrian Opposition Training Mission.
Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) and Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRX) by Pte Mall.

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