Page 50 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
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                                    Cpl Ball teaching fire and manoeuvre to his Zerevani students
broken into a variety of modules such as; marksmanship, patrolling at section and platoon level, FOB occupation and defence, fighting in urban environments and basic medical assessment. Students would initially be taught by a JNCO who was IBS qualified, which in essence made our team well balanced. This allowed the Private soldiers to observe and understand the subject matter before delivering periods of instruction themselves.
The training estate available to the team was superb, offering a variety of conditions and environments allowing for the delivery of training to be innovative and engaging. The training week followed a five day program, the instructors would deliver a one day battle exercise which summarized the topic taught that week. A particular highlight of the training involved a demanding
section attack; lane through rugged terrain, which put the trainee’s ability to operate at section level to test. The commanders were therefore tested on their planning, decision making under pressure and their execution of a mission.
When the team was not carrying out their teaching function, they utilised their spare time on personal development and preparation for future career courses. The
The Erbil Training Team practice contact drills in vehicles
use of a live firing range allowed for more advanced training on the pistol. The team was very fortunate to find themselves in comfortable surroundings, with an array of entertainment and amenities available. We had coffee shops, gyms, and pizza restaurants at our disposal.
Op SHADER will ultimately be viewed
as an invaluable experience for those
who deployed. It tested all those on their knowledge of infantry tactics, and ultimately on their ability to impart this knowledge on
The Erbil Training Team
foreign forces, in a changeable environment. Looking forward, the attention switches back to conventional warfare in the New Year with various exercises along with adventurous training planned. But first, a much-needed Christmas break for all.
Cpl Davis teaching target indication

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