Page 71 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 71

                                B (Malta) Company
      Capt R A Davies MBE (PSAO)
B Company has maintained its forward momentum in training resulting soldiers deploying overseas on exercises and in support of Operations. The Company has also taken part in various activities raising money for both military and civilian charities. The most notable was The Dragon Race held at Salford Quays. The event consisted of 17 people including a beat drummer rowing a Dragon boat over a couple of hundred metres. CSgt Herbert took 16 members of the Coy and entered and
won the race much to the displeasure of Cheshire Constabulary who have won it for the past few years. In the process they raised some money for charity.
In the run up to Christmas the Company carried out routine training looking forward to what was going to be a very busy
2017. In November 4 members of the Coy including the CSM WO2 Ward, deployed on OP TOSCA for 6 months as part of United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) in support of 4 LANCS. Just after the deployment the Company sadly bid a fond farewell to
Ex SNOW EAGLE FRANCE: CSgt Herbert, Cpl Wilson and WO2 Buckley
he joined CSgt Herbert and Cpl Wilson. Recruiting received a boost as we increased the size of the Recruiting team. CSgt Keeble was deployed to Stockport with
Sgt Dickinson in support. In Widnes WO2 Buckley had the challenge of looking after both Widnes and the newly positioned
Operations were not far away and in support of the Bn CSgt’s Herbert and Keeble deployed to UGANDA for 2 weeks as part of the STTT. Lt Jones made his mark with the Company and headed up a leadership weekend in April aimed at the Junior Comds and assistance from the SNCOs. A small group deployed to the plateau looking out across Cheshire to conduct some tactical exercises without troops. This was then followed up by an educational trip and tour of the Cheshire Military Museum based in the grounds of Chester Castle under the area RHQ. All
 the OC, Lt Col T Seager who was posted to
HQ (ARTD) Upavon
and we wish him well and thank him for his efforts and contribution to the Company. We welcomed Lt Jones
‘In the run up to Christmas the Company carried out routine training looking forward to what was going to be a very busy 2017’
Platoon at Ellesmere Port. He was supported by Cpl Wilson and the RST which now started to target strongly in
the Northern part of Cheshire.
The Company maintained low level training in preparation for Annual Camp and the Patrols Competition
 as the new Mor Pl
Commander and
Capt Davis transferred
into the Company on retirement from the Regular Army.
to follow on return to the UK. In March
the Company were given the opportunity
to carry out some more Adventure Training and 5 members of the Company deployed to Norway on Ex NORDIC EAGLE for 2 weeks. The Expedition proved challenging but was enjoyed by all those who deployed.
 2017 saw an early start with WO2 Buckley deploying to the French Alps
as a Ski Instructor for 101Bn REME, on completion he then moved across to help, instructing on Ex SNOW EAGLE where
 Ex NORDIC EAGLE NORWAY : L to R – LCpl Carson Cpl Wood 26 Pte Pinder Cpl Wood 21 Instr Pte Ramogotsi
Rear Rank R to L : Pte’s Pinder Mounkley Wharton CSgt Harrison Front Rank R to L : Cpl Wood 26 Pte Heald The Rev’d Libby Lane( Bishop of Stockport) Pte’s Allen and Moon

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