Page 72 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
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                                 those who took part gained a great deal from the weekend and expressed a wish to do more in the future.
In May the Battalion deployed to Spain on Ex IBERIAN STAR which proved to
be a highlight for several members of
the Company, to be able to exercise outside the UK in an arduous hot environment, testing their own personal skills and capabilities. All those who deployed gained a lot of experience whilst taking part in
the exercise. The Annual Training paid
off and the skills acquired and practised were put to good use on return to UK.
The Company took part in the Battalion Patrols Camp weekend and won the Section Competition much to the delight of the Company. It was also around this period that the Company welcomed CSgt Powell who was parachuted into Ellsmere Port as the new FTRS recruiter. He came from the Chester careers office and came bearing gifts and soon had Stanney Lane fixed and recruiting well. I am happy to report that
the new Platoon is now established and
we are recruiting from the street attracting Reservist from other local units who are transferring across to become part of
4 MERCIAN. We also welcomed back those who had previously deployed on OP TOSCA as they had now completed their tour and leave, making the transition after settling back into normal civilian routine returned to the Company to start training. For one member of the Company that time was soon. Pte Evans who, to his credit, deployed a fresh newly trained soldier
prior to deploying on OP TOSCA now volunteered to deploy with 1 MERCIAN in BATUS for six weeks. Once briefed by the PSAO about the pitfalls of Wainwright he was sent on his way in June.
Always in sight of Recruiting and Retention, Community Engagement plays a big part of life within the Company and one of those areas include supporting the veterans and Old Comrades. This year’s theme carried on as part of OP REFLECT. The Company were invited to take part in the St Julian’s parade and Church Service in Stockport. The CSM Ward and six
Members of the Mor Cadre firing their first round of the Cadre
LCpl Carson receiving his Top Student’s Medal
members of the Company formed a small Guard of Honour for all those attending the service.
were nervous about attempting but once one was on the rest followed and all enjoyed the experience. The permanent staff then stood down for summer break, however the Company still had work
to do as the Mortar Platoon were busy preparing for the upcoming Mor Pl Cadre which was scheduled
Training was still a focus and 4 members of the Company were selected to take part in a Reserve US Exchange programme. After a long journey the troops finally arrived to take part
in some training with
their US Counterparts.
This proved to be a
challenging couple of
weeks but enjoyed by
all. The highlight of the
camp was talking part
in the Reserve Airborne
test. LCpl Carson
took up the challenge
and came top of the
course. He received a commendation
for his outstanding leadership skills and the Company is extremely proud of him.
July is traditionally a time for
the Company to relax and take part in some Adventure Training. This year the Company deployed to the Lodge at RAF Valley and then took part in some different activities. On Saturday the Company were taken
rock climbing and abseiling and on Sunday taken out of their comfort zone and carried out some coasteering along the Jurassic coastline. Few members of the Company
for September. Under instruction from
CSgt Harris The Mor
Pl trained hard in preparation ensuring that all those who
were to deploy were ready. The Cadre went ahead. However, it
was a joint effort with Safety instructors being
provided by Mor Pl 1 MERCIAN, students were also taken from A Company 5RRF and 4 LANCS who also provided some Mor Line safety. The Cadre proved a great success and all members of the cadre passed.
It has been a busy and varied year for
B Company. We have had some recruits through Phase 1A and Bravo and the main effort remains Recruiting and maintaining the MERCIAN footprint within the County of Cheshire.
 ‘Training was still a focus and 4 members of the Company were selected to take part in a Reserve US Exchange programme’

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