Page 76 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 76

                                 HQ Company
    I will not start this article with ‘it has been another busy year,’ It has in fact been a busier year than the previous year.
Over the last year soldiers from
Eagle Company have deployed to 14 countries across the world. It has been an exceptionally busy year, which has seen the company grow to be over manned and also open platoon locations in West Bromwich and Worcester. We have a new OC in post, Major Nigel Bradley, Company 2IC, Capt Simon Black, and CSM, WO2 Bywater has been appointed for a second three year stint. CSgt Perryman promoted and is now CQMS, and QPSI CSgt Lloyd has moved on to pastures new. With a strong team in place, the company is set to grow further, driving to continue to be the best manned and trained company in the battalion.
CSgt Townsend has been deployed
on Op SHADER, Iraq this year with
2 MERCIAN, in addition Cpl Greenhill, LCpl’s Harley and White were deployed with 4 LANCS on Op TOSCA, Cyprus returning in May. These soldiers have done the company proud and again have continued the tradition of Eagle Company soldiers been deployed on Operations every year since the formation of the Regiment in 2007. CSgt Williams and CSgt Perryman deployed to Uganda, leading a Short Term Training Team in February, teaching the Ugandan Peoples Defence Force basic soldiering skills, before their deployment to Somalia to fight Al Shabab. Further Short Term Training Teams (STTT) have taken place in Uganda in March and April, with more soldiers from the Company deploying.
CSgt Perryman, Sgt Vaughan and deployed to the USA, on the Military Reserve Exchange Programme (MREP), working with the US National Guard on
a three week exercise. In addition, LCpl Noble and Private Sumner deployed with 1 MERCIAN to BATUS, Canada. They deployed in the armoured infantry role, for six weeks. Battlefield studies have taken place to Sicily, Arnhem and Normandy, which many members of the company attended, enjoying Europe and learning about the history of our antecedent regiments and leadership. Finally,
the Company sent a cohort skiing in France
and Norway, as well as a fun multi activity day for the whole company in August. A fully charged programme enjoyed by all.
paired with B Company 1 MERCIAN mounted in Warrior armoured fighting vehicles. Since 2017, 4 MERCIAN has been paired with its sister battalion,
1 MERCIAN as part of Army 2020 Refine. As one of the four Army Reserves (AR) Infantry battalions to be re-subordinated to
3 (UK) Division, Ex TEAM SPIRIT offered
an early opportunity for 4 MERCIAN to provide individual augmentees in support
of its Regular paired Battalion. 4 MERCIAN looks forward to again to providing support to 1 MERCIAN as part of its deployment to Oman in 2018 as part of Ex SAIF SEREEA III.
HQ Coy has had a good year in recruiting. We started off the year with 3 new recruits
The Company has conducted many low level training events across the UK, planned by the CSM and SPSI, including entering
a team in the Patrols Competition over Leek and low level exercises in all types
of weather. The Company deployed in many roles on the Battalion annual training exercise in Cordoba in Spain, which saw our soldiers training with the Spanish Army in the mountains, and conducting some
fun battlefield studies and adventurous training as well. The Company saw LCpls Noble and Harley promote after passing the NCOs cadre, also
LCpl Fradgley and
Kidderminster based
reservists passed
their Anti-Tank Det
Commanders Course,
and instructing on the
joint Anti-tank cadre,
which qualified 68 Anti-
Tank operators from 1,
2 and 4 MERCIAN.
HQ Coy – Adventurous Training 2017. This took place at Lee Valley White Water Centre and Imperial War Museum. Twenty two HQ Coy reservists spent the weekend in London accommodated in Wellington Barracks. Saturday consisted of white water rafting. Each boat had 8 people in with an instructor driving the boat down the rapids. The afternoon was hydro boarding which was great fun riding down the rapids using a float. The evening was spent in London socialising over some drinks and some well- earned food. Sunday was a very informative visit to the Imperial War Museum which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Between 30 October and 03 November 2017, four members of Eagle Company took part in paired Armoured Infantry training as part of
Ex TEAM SPIRIT on Salisbury Plain. The four members of
4 MERCIAN were
passing the Combat Infantryman Course (CIC) at Catterick. The recruiting team have attended many events over the summer period spreading the Mercian name. They regularly attend Wolverhampton City Centre and the surrounding towns with
our recruiting stand. In addition they have also worked with local Colleges, training centres and Wolverhampton University to gain more recruits. HQ Coy have supported the local council and the Armed Forces Covenant which has gained us a good reputation in the region.
The past 18 months has been an extremely varied and busy year for Anti- Tank platoon. (Kidderminster) October- November 2016 members of the platoon joined 2 MERCIAN on their Anti-Tank Cadre based out of Knook Camp SPTA. The majority of the Platoon
attended the full
3 weeks
 The Company deployed in many roles on the Battalion annual training exercise in Cordoba in Spain

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