Page 78 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 78

                                 The Band of the Mercian Regiment
   LCpl Emily Jenner
It has been a very busy weekend for
the Band of the Mercian Regiment, as
they commemorated Remembrance by performing at events on both Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.
On Saturday, the Band were privileged to travel to the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA), Alrewas to take part in Armistice Day commemorations. The NMA is a
highly significant and symbolic place
of remembrance for the Armed Forces community, and it was an honour to be representing the British Army through music. After marching up to the Armed Forces Memorial, the Band took up their position and played to welcome hundreds of guests gathered for the service, as we waited for the royal party and dignitaries
to arrive. At exactly 11.00, a bugler from the Royal Marines Band Service sounded the Last Post and after a sombre two minutes silence, the Reveille was sounded. At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the
11th month, the Armed Forces Memorial
is designed so that a shaft of sunlight rests on the central plinth of the memorial – truly remarkable. The Duke of Gloucester then led the wreath laying, whilst the Band accompanied by playing Elegy on the
RAF March Past, Hallelujah and Amazing Grace. As the last notes faded away, we all reflected on what had been a very special service in a very special place. After a few minutes of reflection, we formed up as a band on the central path in the Arboretum and led the parade of service personnel, veterans and cadets through the Arboretum past the saluting dais where the Duke of Gloucester was taking the salute, proud to be playing our Regimental March.
Remembrance Sunday saw the Band travel to Birmingham. With over 1000 service personnel, veterans, cadets and civilian services marching on to Victoria Square it was another high profile event
A poignant day: Musician Iain Fraser-Barker gets ready to play at the Armed Forces Memorial for Armistice Day at the National Memorial Arboretum
A city remembers: The Band of the Mercian Regiment lead serving personnel, veterans, cadets and civilian services through Birmingham on Remembrance Sunday
 and the highlight of the year for many
of the Band. Testing weather conditions didn’t put off large crowds from attending the service and reflecting on the sacrifice made by so many members of the Armed Forces. After the parade had assembled on Victoria Square, we awaited the arrival of the mayoral party – the Lord Mayor of Birmingham leading the contingent which included senior officers from all three Armed Forces. Our own Cpl Wendy Robert sounded the Last Post and Reveille, with service personnel from 37 Signal Regiment providing a volley of rifle fire to mark the start and end of the two minutes silence. The Band once again led the music to accompany the wreath laying with Elgar’s poignant Nimrod, with the congregation in fine voice during the traditional hymn. The commemorations ended with a parade through the centre of Birmingham, with the The Boys of the Old Brigade echoing off of the buildings as we marched up through New Street.
Never Forget: The Band await the arrival of the mayoral party during Remembrance Sunday commemorations in Birmingham

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