Page 80 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 80

                                 4 MERCIAN RST
4 MERCIAN Regimental Support Team (RST) is made up of 3 Members, Myself Captain Styles, Sgt Killeen as the SNCO and 2IC and Cpl Horne as the JNCO. Our role and remit is to support sub units with
4 MERCIAN AO in order to best achieve Op FORTIFY. With this is mind we also regularly run activities and events separately to achieve the same effect.
The RST has continued to have a busy period with a wide variety of events from local Company level events to Brigade,
4 MERCIAN RST have played a large role within the recruiting environment. One of the first events the RST
have delivered 4 presentations to the OTCs across our AO about life as an officer in
4 MERCIAN and the opportunities as well as inviting them on our training exercises, so they can train with 4 MERCIAN, most notably some officer cadets attend the battlefield study to Sicily learning about operation Husky, the allied invasion of Sicily during World War 2.
We have also undertaken recruiting surges at all company locations to varying success as we have learnt what does and doesn’t work in different areas within the 4 MERCIAN footprint, with a 2-week
  undertook was the
Reserve Challenge event
with 11 Signals Brigade
which involved running
an infantry introduction
stand, with why things
are seen, infantry
weapons and infantry
kit and equipment to
individuals who were
interested in joining the Army Reserve and to give them an idea of what the infantry was like. So far 4 MERCIAN has completed 4 of these events. In addition, 4 MERCIAN RST have been heavily involved in building relations with our Cadet counterparts, assisting and delivering an infantry weapons display and answering questions on what life in 4 MERCIAN is really like.
The RST have been critical in the establishment of a platoon location in Ellesmere Port which is now coming to fruition with 7 people booked onto phase 1 training within the next 5 months, a number which will grow continually.
The RST have also engaged colleges and universities officer training Corps (UOTC). I
surge at C Coy bearing fruit after doing a variety of low key and large events such as Chatsworth County Show alongside
the Regimental Headquarters recruiting team. In addition, members of the RST assisted
Wolverhampton College in a project which saw them clean and garden around former Soldiers graves who are buried within the Wolverhampton area.
With the main aim of 4 MERCIAN RST to recruit, raise awareness, and be regimental representatives. It is safe to say that in our second year in the role we have continued running and armed with our knowledge
of what works in what areas the next 12 months should bring potential recruits and awareness to 4 MERCIAN and the MERCIAN Regiment as a whole as we traverse the Regimental foot print and aim to increase the public perception and awareness of 4 MERCIAN.
‘4 MERCIAN RST have been heavily involved in building relations with our Cadet counterparts’

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