Page 5 - Eagle Eye Autumn 2022
P. 5
by AS2 Huw Morgan
Ex Snow Eagle offers a week of Skiing experience at Robson Resilience Centre (RRC) Bavaria, from complete beginner to advanced. Qualifications offered are SF1 (Beginner), SF2 (Intermediate) and SF3 (Advanced). As of last week, I completed SF1 and AS1 Will Young completed SF3.
The week starts with arrival to the Chalet in a village near to Sonthofen. You will get kitted out right away, it’s all great quality kit and pretty much everything is provided so only your own sports clothing is needed for the day. Then from there you will be skiing or falling over non-stop from 9am-3pm every day – conditions dependent. You will have a dedicated instructor to push you and make you a better skier every day. My instructor was a German local who lived and breathed the slopes, with a super relaxed learning environment, I was able to go from not being able to stand up at the start to skiing the black runs at the end. We skied at different resorts in the area, the views are incredible, and time is taken out of the day to walk around the mountain tops, appreciate your surroundings, have a break and get a coffee. After the day ends you go back to the house and relax, you’re taken care of by the brilliant house staff who live in the area. They cook amazing food with some German recipes thrown in to try! You will be hungry after a day out skiing,
but they will ensure you probably go home heavier than you came (even if you don’t like something, they will sort out an alternative that you will like) After the evening meal, time is your own and there is a fridge full of beers, which at €2 each, it’s rude not to have a few! The evenings are a great opportunity to get to know the others on the trip and there is plenty of things to occupy you. Cards/Games/TV, if you’re brave enough go for a dip in the river nearby! There is a supermarket and small pub in the centre of the town, which is well worth a walk around.
All around it’s a brilliant week, I enjoyed every minute! Your legs will ache by the end and you’ll probably have a few bruises, but its all in all nearly a holiday. Doing this off your own back would cost upwards of £1000 but cost aside the experience you get is priceless!
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