Page 11 - Jigsaw November 2020
P. 11
Chairman’s Report – Cllr Karen Draycott
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our staff at Thrapston Town Council. Our Office staff, Facilities team and Caretakers/Cleaners.
We have maintained a full service to our Community throughout the pandemic. Much of the work that is carried out
is unseen and often un-noticed. I can assure you all that were they to stop, then the affects would very quickly be noticed.
Thank you to all our local businesses, shops, school staff, medical teams and many more, who everyday are trying so hard to maintain a type of normality for our community. We owe them all a debt of gratitude.
Day by day we will work through these difficult times. The true test of the resilience of a community is when it is challenged. I cannot remember in my lifetime when our civic institutions and way of life were more at risk.
We will come out the other side, probably profoundly changed.
In love there is kindness, kindness is
love. Cllr Karen Draycott
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