Page 115 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 115

                                B COMPANY, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE ARMY CADET FORCE
Greetings, from the far Northern reaches of Nottinghamshire!
As this is our first time contributing to The Mercian Eagle, I feel it only right to introduce ourselves; we are B (MERCIAN) Company of Nottinghamshire ACF. Split into four units, we are the only company with the honour of wearing the MERCIAN, and previously the WFR cap badge.
We consist of six detachments
spread across North Nottinghamshire,
and these include Retford, Harworth, Worksop, Warsop, Clipstone and Ollerton. B Company currently has a strength of 146 cadets and 24 adult staff.
Annual Camp 2015 saw B Company along with the rest of Nottinghamshire ACF travel to Wathgill Camp in North Yorkshire for nine days in August. During Annual Camp, cadets from all over Nottinghamshire were split in to cadres to work with those at the
Nottinghamshire cadets in the field
same point in training as themselves. Each unit HQ was then responsible for planning training aimed at the star level of their cadre.
This year, the week consisted of a three- day field craft exercise on Catterick Training Area, a visit to the Royal Lancers, a range day, and finally adventure training on a high wire course.
On the last day of annual camp, the County and Company said goodbye to Cadet RSM Purdie as he had reached
the Cadet Age threshold of 18 years. Cadet RSM Purdie leaves the ACF as a Four Star, Master Cadet, as well as being Nottinghamshire’s Lord Lieutenants Cadet. Finishing his ACF career at the very top has been a momentous achievement for the nervous young 12-year-old recruit that first stepped through the door of Clipstone Detachment six years ago. RSM Purdie is now attending the University of Wales, and
Preparing to move
plans to commission into the Intelligence Corps.
During September, B Company attended their weekend camp at Beckingham.
This was run as a field craft exercise incorporating field craft testing. During
the initial Exercise briefing, the OC was kidnapped by the ‘enemy’ and driven off to Stapleford House.
Friendly Forces then had to establish a Harbour Area, deploy OP’s, Recce’s, and ambush enemy patrols. Sunday morning saw a dawn attack by Friendly Forces on the Stapleford House complex, with the dramatic rescue of the Company OC. Many of the cadets said: “this was the best camp ever” and “this Camp was sick.” Credit thus has to be given to the new Training Officer, Second Lieutenant Martin Sharpe, for planning his first Weekend Camp in his new role.
The annual camp high wire challenge
Visit from the Royal Lancers

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