Page 116 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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                                 HEREFORD & WORCESTER, ARMY CADET FORCE
Annual Camp is the highlight of the Army Cadet Force (ACF) training year. This year, camp was spent at Penally, Wales. Just over 251 cadets deployed, which is half
of the battalion’s cadet strength, and just under two thirds of our adults. We were assisted by attached personnel from the MERCIAN Regimental Support Team, alongside other units.
The highlight of camp was a parade
for the presentation of new Banners to
the battalion. Cadet battalions do not usually have Colours, but our history is unique. Colours were first presented to 1st Worcestershire Cadet Battalion in 1919. They were funded by Hingley & Sons Ltd of Netherton, Staffordshire, of which the battalion’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel JS Trinham VD was a director.
The ceremony of the presentation and consecration took place on 1 November 1919. The Cadet battalion was paraded
in front of the steps of Worcester
Guildhall where the Lord Lieutenant of Worcestershire, the Earl of Coventry, formally presented the Colours. Almost immediately after the ceremony had
been performed, the War Office withdrew permission for cadet Colours to be consecrated. Thus Worcestershire’s remain the only cadet Colours to have been consecrated.
The Colours went abroad twice, once to France and once to Belgium. Carried by
the Midland Cadet Brigade that was touring the battlefields, they were paraded before the Belgian King and were saluted with full ceremony on board a Royal Navy cruiser. They were twice paraded in the presence of the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VIII at Handsworth Park in June 1923 and in Cheltenham in 1926.
New Banners were presented at a parade held at Penally on Saturday 15
The highlight of camp was a parade for the presentation of new Banners to the battalion
August 2015. Cadets commanded the parade and Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire, The Countess of Darnley, and Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Worcestershire, Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Holcroft presented the Banners. Major General MD Wood (Chairman Army Cadet Force Association), Colonel J Bowron
The new Banners Party
(Inspecting Officer) and Brigadier MS Vine (Honorary Colonel) were also present.
Two MERCIAN cadets carried the
new Banners; Cadet Corporal Matthew Bradbury from Stourbridge Platoon and Cadet Colonel Sergeant Chris Shaw from Stourport Platoon. Originally a MERCIAN cadet officer, Major Jeff Hyde, commanded the old Banner Party.
300 families and friends of cadets attended, as well as over 50 VIP guests including civic dignitaries, representatives of 11 Signals & West Midlands Brigade, the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association and trustees of HWACF Charitable Trust, who generously funded the Banners. Following the parade, the battalion held
a Tug of War competition. B Company
(RA and MERCIANS) won the cadets’ competition and the Officers Mess won the adults competition.
The whole day was deemed a great success and proved to be a fitting end to this year’s camp. Annual Camp 2016 will be held at Longmoor and we look forward to welcoming another team of MERCIANS to support the training of the next generation.
If you’re interested in joining our ACF, please visit us on HWACF and on Twitter @HWACF
                 The old Banners Party, commanded by Maj Jeff Hyde
     (L-R) Mr Ken Tallis (Chairman of Trustees), Col Andy Taylor (Comdt) and Mr Vaughan Wiltshire (Trustee)

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