Page 130 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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                                The Worcestershire and Sherwood
Foresters Regimental Association
Bob Prophet, Acting Secretary
 Lt Col (Retired) David Elsam MBE
The association has gone from strength to strength this year, with new former WFR members joining and a few former MERCIAN soldiers knocking on the various branch doors. This is definitely good news, as plans are afoot to bring all the current branches under the aegis of the Mercian Regiment Association (MRA), without losing any of the antecedent associations’ identity. At present, we have four associations working independently with great success, but no association branch which a Mercian Regiment soldier can join and call
his own. Although the present branches will
probably not change, a MERCIAN soldier will soon be able to join
a “Mercian” branch even if it was originally a CRA, WFRA, SRA or MVRA branch. The injection of new blood into the associations can be nothing but good for the associations and the regiment as a whole.
Within WFRA, however, we are sad that Lt Col (Retired) David Elsam is stepping down from his long stint as Chairman of the Association. He has sat in the chair in various guises – Trustee, Chairman and Acting Chairman – and the association is very grateful to him for the stability, common sense, support and fairness which he has brought. He has served the regiment for a lifetime and has fulfilled each stage of his career with devotion and faithfulness. We thank you, David, for looking after us so well.
 WFRA Reunion 2015
With the sun shining on the 6th June, Sixways Stadium Worcester hosted us for yet another WFRA Reunion. Around 400 comrades and their families enjoying a catch up and reminisce with old friends. Superb displays by the museum and the Historical Society, along with a well stocked PRI and a raffle added to the enjoyment of the day.
The Drum Head Service, led by Cannon Paul Tongue, saw a break in proceedings to remember our comrades who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. The Officer in Charge, Col (Retd) David Sneath DL TD MBE led
those on parade under the words of
command from the Parade RSM, CSM McNaulty, with the salute taken by Col Simon Banton OBE. Col Banton also gave the address, outlining the current commitments of our regular battalions.
RHQ would like to thank members of 1 MERCIAN and those in the WFRA who helped to make the day such a success.
The Officer in Charge, Col (Retd) Sneath leads the WFRA parade past Col (now Brig) Banton OBE
L-R Roger ‘Mini’ Cooper, Dudley Branch. Allan Poyner, Alan ‘Kipper’ Fish and Neville Fairbairn all Worcester Branch
                            THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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