Page 132 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 132

                                                  Derby Branch Alan Derbyshire, Chairman
Derby Branch meet for lunch before Crich Pilgrimage
The branch held a coffee morning in Derby City Council House, attended by Councillor Paul Pegg, Mayor of the City of Derby. Please note, contrary to popular belief, that our Chairman does not always win prizes; despite purchasing numerous tickets, he struck not a blow!
As a representative of the WFRA, I attended the dining-in night for WOI
(RSM) Jason Rollins, 2 MERCIAN at the Dale Barracks. I received a most warm welcome and an enjoyable night ensued. I had a personal discussion with RSM Rollins regarding the associations, and this resulted in my giving an open invitation to himself and any member of the battalions, as this branch actively supports The Mercian Regiment.
Within the branch, in addition to ex- Foresters and WFR members, we have serving and ex-Mercian members, ex- Staffords, an ex-Gurkha and even a former Royal Marine! The Derby Branch meets
at the Rolls Royce Club, 241 Osmaston Road, Derby, DE23 8JS on the first Friday of the month, starting at 19.45 hrs. All are welcome.
Derby Branch supporting the Freedom Parade 2014
This year’s notes commence with the
sad news that the branch lost Major Ken Bowmer who, for many years, held the post of Treasurer, Chairman and, latterly, President. Major Ken, as he was fondly known, was always there as a guiding hand and he will be sadly missed, but never forgotten.
The Derby Branch remains strong,
with 58 members listed, and an average attendance at meetings of 26. It is always
marvellous job with collecting and polishing the silver, and we thank him for carrying out this most important task.
On Crich Sunday, we held our pre-Crich buffet lunch at the Oast House, Derby, with 36 members and their ladies enjoying the excellent buffet provided. We foresee this as being our regular venue for this event! We welcomed Harry Massam, his wife Libby, and Mick Leeming from the Worcester Branch WFRA who joined us for lunch. I have no doubt that Crich itself will
  good to welcome new the branch extended a warm welcome to Steve Flude and Andy Richardson. As a branch, we have had good attendance at the association events that have taken place, with our two Standard Bearers always to
members, and
 the fore. The Branch
Dinner was held as
near as possible to Badajoz Day, and was well attended with some 50 members, their ladies and guests being seated. Our guests were Major Harry Loveday and his wife, Ann. It was a pleasure to see them and we thank them for taking the time to travel so far to attend the function. Major Loveday commented on how he and his wife enjoyed the evening so much that, all being well, they intend coming to the next dinner. The meal was again of a high standard and the organisation of the evening was excellent. Our thanks are extended to Gordon Carran and his helpers, Mick (Drummy) Doyle, Roy Theobald and Brian Smith, who set up
the tables and room. Ronnie Smith did a
in Chaddesden Park, attended by the children of Chaddesden
primary schools; it is heartening to see
that this very important part of our history continues to be taught to the younger generation. Our parade at Soldiers’ Corner in Nottingham Road Cemetery (held on 11th November) has become, as far as
the weather is concerned, a mini Crich;
it always seems to rain! However, the numbers attending do appear to increase year upon year, which is good to see. Last year, the branch was proud to be on parade in Derby for the Regimental Freedom/ Recruiting parade through the city as the accompanying photo shows.
It is heartening to see that this very important part of our history continues to be taught to the younger generation
be covered elsewhere in the journal but, suffice to say, it was wet and windy!
We attended the Remembrance Day parades which have become a standard feature for November. The one we particularly enjoy is the parade

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