Page 140 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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 Walsall & Bloxwich Branch Andy Singer
We meet on the second Sunday of the month at 1130, at Bloxwich Memorial Club in Harrison Street, Bloxwich, Walsall, WS3 3HP. Our committee is:-
Our events in the past year included a trip with Wags to Llandudno on 7 October, and a great day out was had by all. Then we had our annual Christmas meal with the Lads and Wags from The Cheshire Regimental Association. What can we say about that, except we were full to bostin! Then we went to Manchester Imperial War Museum and the Trafford Centre, which was well worth a visit. We received an invitation from a local school for a five course meal, and a chat with pupils which
was most enjoyable. On 11 November we attended the Blakenhall Peace Tree event. We were present at Watchman’s promotion at Tamworth on the 25 April.
President Treasurer Secretary Standard Bearer Welfare Officer Entertainments Committee
Fred Mason Mick Power Andy Mason Graham Morris Derek Kane Sam Fox
Terry Noakes Mac Hartshorne
                                 Stafford Branch
Richmond Leason
This year our branch celebrates its seventh year. The branch continues to hold its own in membership, with 33 members of which 22 attend the regular monthly meetings.
Our troops have finally returned from frontline Afghanistan, and families are slowly returning to some normality. I for one know the relief felt by the family once their son or daughter has returned, knowing they do not have to go out again. The families and regiment has suffered fatalities and injuries throughout these conflicts and we will always be grateful for the commitment of all our troops.
Our trip to Arnhem for the 70th Anniversary of the Battle had been planned for two years, and on 17 September 2014 we departed from Stafford to Ypres. We started with the Menin Gate wreath laying ceremony on the Wednesday evening, before departing for Arnhem on the Thursday morning. Whilst in Arnhem we paid tribute to our two VC winners, and
to Captain Brian Brownscombe, who
was murdered at the site of the Rijnstate Hospital. It was here that we met up with Moz Wilkes and the party of runners. We visited Lonsdale Church, the house of Kate Ter Horst, the Hartenstein Museum and supported the Staffordshire Runners as they paraded to the Bear Pit. On the Saturday we spent a most enjoyable day on Geinkel Heath, where many thousands of people had gathered to watch the spectacular parachute drop. Sunday saw us out and about early to attend the Ceremony at Oosterbeek Cemetery. The cemetery was packed to capacity, as our standard bearers marched with the Airborne Standards to the obelisk. It was a touching and sentimental service, especially when the school children placed flowers on all the graves. Monday morning saw us all board the coach
for home, after a most enjoyable and memorable few days.
The Halloween event went ahead, and once again was well attended by family,
The promotion of Watchman V to Sergeant – Tamworth Castle 25 April 2015
friends and Stafford Rangers supporters. The fish and chips went down well, and a good night was had by all. Our Christmas Party was held on 20 December at the Wagon and Horses and again a fantastic night was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to Sgt Watchman on his recent promotion at Tamworth Castle; a true ambassador for The Staffordshire Regiment Association. Several of our members travelled
to Tamworth by train to witness the presentation, and to taste the delights of Tamworth.
On 14 May 2015, five members and the Branch Standard travelled to Folkestone for the funeral of Bob Walker. It was extremely well supported, but still a very sad occasion. Thanks to Pete Oliver for arranging the accommodation.
Now the troops are settled into the new battalions, we wish them all the best and hope that there may be a chance to have
a few of the soldiers visit our branches. We know that the Staffordshire soldiers give their all in everything they do, whichever regiment they are serving in, and that the history of the Staffordshire Regiment will live on with each and every one of them.
Do not be strangers, and join your local branch of The Staffordshire Regimental Association. Monthly meetings are held and you are assured of a good welcome. Stafford Branch meets on the last Sunday of each month at Stafford Rangers FC Social Club, 1030 for 1100.

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