Page 138 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 138

                                 Lichfield Branch
Dave Gouldingay
We are proud to report that the branch is going from strength to strength, and starting to attract a lot of interest from the younger generation, which is the lifeline of our association. Our monthly meetings always attract in excess of thirty members plus guests, and there is a good mix of young and old and bold, which makes topics of conversation quite humorous at times.
Our annual pilgrimage to Woodhall Spa for the Arnhem Remembrance Day was again well attended, not only by ourselves but by many other members from other branches. As always the Staffords were greeted by the local community with open arms, and they always look forward to our next trip. The Branch Annual Dinner Dance was again well supported, and we were treated to fine display from the Cadets’ Corps of Drums and live music from the Irish duo. A fine meal was had by all and the drinks flowed well into the early hours.
alive and thank you for your continued support. Sadly, our oldest veteran, Derrick Holt passed away on 15 June at the grand old age of 92. Derrick was a very active member of Lichfield Branch and thought the world of his comrades in arms.
Our normal charity challenge has again been set aside due
to our commitments
on the new Staffords Memorial, but we try
to squeeze in a few collection days in support of the branch and other armed forces charities. The branch has invested some of its hard earned funds
by purchasing a box trailer to aid us with our forever growing number of events; our aim is to attend as many public events with our road show as we can possibly do. Our key aim and priority is to keep the name
of the Staffords alive within the general
Lichfield branch members on their road show stall
public sector, but at the same time show our continued support to The Mercian Regiment, as we firmly believe they are our future bloodline, and we have no plans of following in the footsteps of the dinosaurs. The branch road show attended its first event with the new trailer at Watchman’s promotion day at Tamworth Castle, and I can honestly say that our pitch attracted the most crowds.
We are always on the lookout for regimental memorabilia if anyone has any unwanted items tucked away, and we would appreciate your contribution. If you wish to pop along to one of our general meetings, either with the intention of becoming a member or just simply as a guest, you would be more than welcome. We meet every first Sunday of the month at 1100 hrs at the Lichfield Social Club, Purcell Avenue, Lichfield. Our camaraderie is second to none.
After many heated debates on the reunion and its location,
it was agreed that it
will always remain on
the first Saturday of
September and remain
in Lichfield; the Lichfield
Social Club was again
chosen to host the day
time festivities, with
the King’s Head only
a short distance away,
where most converge to finish the day. The Lichfield Branch will host this year’s event, but we urge other branches to rotate and take the reins for the forthcoming years, but with the same venue and sticking to similar criteria. We wish to keep this event
 Our key aim and priority is to keep the name of the Staffords alive within the general public sector
    Staffordshire Regiment Association unveils new memorial
On Saturday 5th September, the rededication of The Staffordshire Regiment Memorial took place at the National Memorial Arboretum. Over 500 people attended the service, which was preceded by a parade led by WO2 Greg Hedges.
The rebuilding of the memorial was agreed in autumn of 2013, with association branches and individuals providing incredible support to raise the £30,000 required. Designed and built by members, it is believed to be the first time that an association has completed the entire work themselves.
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