Page 136 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 136

                                 Worksop Branch Mark Butcher, Secretary
Worksop branch continues to grow in strength, with new members joining every year. Advertising has played a part in this, with our website www.worksopbranchwfra. being kept up to date. Word of the growth of our branch seems to have spread, and we have recently been approached by the local Royal British Legion who would like to work more closely with us in the future. This can only be good, as there is always ‘strength in numbers’ as they say.
Our members have kept up the pace in keeping the branch innovative and fun for new members with lots of activities. In the last twelve months, members have enjoyed a return games night with Chesterfield branch, Christmas and Summer dinner nights together, clay pigeon shooting, a walk with a photography lesson thrown in (courtesy of Paul Hanson) and a day out
to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford. Added to this was the Remembrance Sunday parade (followed by a dinner with families) and the Crich Pilgrimage. As usual, a number of members spent the night before the Pilgrimage in the village sampling
3 WFR Branch WFRA
Paul Hallett, Secretary
The branch members live in all parts of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, as well
as elsewhere. Therefore, regular local meetings have proved impossible to arrange, and we meet formally once a year. However, many of our members also belong
local ales. In fact, those who participate on the Saturday night have struck up a close friendship with the staff and patrons of the Crich Comrades Club, and a Worksop Branch WFRA plaque now hangs proudly above the bar. Worksop members can also boast that those members present
at the Crich Pilgrimage, stood fast on the hill during the hellish downpour until the Colours had marched off.
In July, the branch was approached
by the Clumber Park gardening staff for support to a memorial service for two of their predecessors who died during WW1, whilst serving with the Sherwood Foresters. The staff had obtained two of the ‘Tower of London’ ceramic poppies to dedicate to the two soldiers: LCpl T Merrils and Pte J Read. The poppies are now permanently displayed in the gardening museum at Clumber Park, and the branch sent a poppy wreath, which now sits alongside the display. Our reserve Standard Bearer, Ian Middleton, had literally 20 minutes’ training for the service, having never handled the Standard before. I think that any Standard Bearers will understand
Worksop Branch AGM March 2015
the decision to omit the gloves on this first and, very public, duty.
The lads and lasses have put a great effort into making it a successful year so
far, and we have plenty going on before it is over, including a games night and Christmas dinner. We at the Worksop branch hope
to continue the recent trend, and increase our numbers over the next year. We are
at platoon strength now, and what an achievement it would be to get to company strength level; the ambition is there. We have some wiley old characters (and not so old), who could still shoulder a rifle if the call came. Who knows, maybe they will bring back the HSF!
          to other WFRA branches, and we get together when we can.
The branch holds its Annual General Meeting every year on a Saturday close to the anniversary of The Battle of The Alma, combining it with a dinner night. Since
2010, the venue has been The Stepping Stones Centre in Heanor, Derbyshire. Not only is it a central location for all, but we honour
that the town sent many soldiers
as Sherwood Foresters in World War I. Plus there is a thriving local football club named Eastwood and
3 WFR Branch Annual Alma Day Dinner 19 Sep 15
Heanor Foresters; how’s that for Notts & Derby collaboration? The staff look after us very well as do the users of the centre, the elderly and infirm, who made all our striking menu cards. In turn, as a branch we donate to the good work they do.
Sadly this year, 3WFR Branch has been mourning its absent friends, including Private Reg Noble, Rev. David Treadgold and Maj. Brian Robinson.
3WFR veterans can be found exchanging news and views on the 3WFR Facebook page, which, as a “closed” Page, is accessible only by application. If you served in, or with 3WFR, please apply.

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