Page 135 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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                                  Mansfield Keith Kenworthy, Secretary
It has been a reasonable year for the branch, that belongs to the town that had the privilege of being the centre of Sherwood Forest in the Middle Ages. A plaque marks the spot where the alleged Centre Tree stood. The actual tree was removed during the Second World War, because it was said to obstruct the passage of heavy vehicles (the monorchidic Adolf has much to answer for!)
We attended the annual dinner of Chesterfield Branch, and later their games evening, though our numbers were few on both occasions. Our Armistice Day ceremony at the Carr Bank Memorial Park was well attended as usual by members of the District Council and the general public, supplemented by a number of the Guards Association who were attending the dedication of a memorial to one of their Victoria Cross holders. We were pleased to have the Guards Association Standard aligned with our Standard at the stroke of 11 am.
This year, the local Royal British Legion organised a ceremony to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of VJ Day on 15th August. The branch was well represented, along with plentiful support from the District Council, the cadet organisations and the public. A Drum and Bugle Band were in attendance, in which two of our members, Brian Talbot and Eddie Hall, are involved. The officiating Minister was well suited to the occasion, having served 22 years in the Royal Navy.
To complete the VJ occasion, our oldest member, Harry Jackson who served in the Far East in World War Two, was 97 on that day and was present at the ceremony.
 Mansfield Branch at the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day at Carr Bank
 at the Battle of Gheluvelt, then unveiled the new commemorative memorial to All Ranks of The Worcestershire Regiment, who served their country at home and overseas. Canon Paul Tongue, Chaplain to Worcester Branch, read the names of the thirty-four men of 2 Worcestershire Regiment killed in the Battle of Gheluvelt. After the Last Post, two minutes’ silence, wreaths were laid, whilst the Band and Bishop Mayfield gave the blessing.
Another highlight of our year was on
21 June, when the branch was invited by Norton Worcestershire Regiment Group,
to recall the life of the regiment. An event was organised with the branch to include
a shooting competition with Worcester Shooting Club. The main event was the branch shooting match, with the team captained by John Walters. This saw the WFRA Veterans winning with a credible lead. Well done team! This will be an annual event, and the trophy of cut glass engraved with the badge of The Worcestershire Regiment and the names of the winners will be kept in the bar of the Shooting Club.
Worcester Branch, Kidderminster Branch and Mercian Volunteer Standards at Kidderminster for 2 Mercian Freedom Parade
Glorious 1st of June 2015 – Worcester Branch
Barry Newman and Eric Tipping, Worc R WWII Veterans
Dave Plant receives his well deserved Merit Award

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