Page 137 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 137

                                The Staffordshire
Regiment Association
 Jim Massey
The Staffordshire Regiment Association can look back on a busy year. There have been major war memorial dedications in Great Barr and Chadsmoor. We have taken part in our regular commitments such as Field of Remembrance, the annual ANZAC Day Parade in Cannock Chase and numerous local parades and events, some of which are recorded in our branch notes. In 2015 we had over fifty association members on parade at the Cenotaph Ceremony, where we joined by our comrades in the CRA. We lost West Bromwich Branch in the summer, as the membership fell away to single figures. The remaining twelve branches plus the 1600 or so Staffords on Facebook continue to meet at numerous official and unofficial events. Our mascot, Watchman V was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and it is pleasing to report that Watchman is as popular as ever.
Our major project for the past eighteen months has been the rebuilding of our Regimental Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas. We are
all immensely proud of this massive effort; as in planning it, organising it, fund raising and the actual building. Whilst this has taken most of our energy, time and effort; Trevor Evans has begun building a memorial garden in the Staffordshire Regiment Museum and at the time of writing, is
close to being completed. Links between the association and museum have been strengthened, and much help is being given. Wolverhampton Branch is developing a portable exhibition about Arnhem, and
we are hoping to expand this into other aspects of our history. Many members are assisting Glynn Ireland in the laborious task of identifying people from the hundreds of photographs sent to us from 3 MERCIAN last year.
• Pete Oliver for and arranging and leading our very strong contingent at the Cenotaph Ceremony.
• Bill Lowe for his work as Chairman and Secretary of West Bromwich Branch, thanks to Bill’s efforts, the branch survived for several years longer than it would have done.
• Mick Teasel of Burton Branch for arranging the 2014 Reunion and for all his work as Secretary.
• Greg Hedges for his work with Sergeant Watchman V. At the Field of
Remembrance, Greg and Watchman walk through London and do an annual tour of Trafalgar Square. That day they leave Staffordshire’s mark on our capital city.
• Revd. Keith Barry for conducting
a moving memorial service at the National Memorial Arboretum on
1 August, to remember our three soldiers who did not make it back from Al Amarah in 2005. Keith has recently been appointed as Padre
to 1 MERCIAN, news which has delighted those of us who know him.
• Dani Pritchard our Museum Curator, for all her efforts in linking the Association with the Museum.
• Richmond Leason (Stafford Branch) for producing the Forecast of Events and for his assistance throughout the year.
• Peter Hopwood of Fenton Branch for producing the new finials for the Branch Standards.
• To all those who have worked in the background for their branch, who have arranged events, protected our regimental heritage or travelled vast distances to attend funerals;
a personal thank you to each and everyone one of you.
Ferozeshah Gathering
This annual gathering is open to all serving and recently served members of The Mercian Regiment. Everyone is welcome.
 Field of Remembrance 2014

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