Page 74 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 74

                                  Commanding Officer’s Foreword
Lieutenant Colonel Carter MBE, CO 4 MERCIAN
During 2015, 4 MERCIAN has continued to support operations and recruit, train and retain our volunteer reserves whilst continuing to transform under Future Reserves 2020.
In spite of the end of OPERATION HERRICK, operations continue as a major theme of battalion life, and we maintain our position as one of the leading reserve unit contributors to operations.
In 2014, we deployed a further cohort of troops to 2 MERCIAN in support of OP TOSCA, the main difference, compared with the 2013 deployment, being that the cohort was integrated within 2 MERCIAN, rather than forming a distinct sub-unit. The tour went extremely well from a
4 MERCIAN perspective, with good reports from all ranks of an interesting and satisfying tour with their paired battalion.
The battalion continues to support peacekeeping operations in
East Africa, delivering three short-term training teams
(STTTs) in Uganda in a twelve- month period, as well as contributing manpower to two further training tasks. 2016
training exercises. EX SAVA STAR is a battalion- led exercise in Croatia for 100 soldiers including an Potential NCO cadre. The battalion will also contribute a company-sized cohort to 2 MERCIAN for EX ASKARI STORM.
In addition, the Mortar Platoon continues to set the pace for the reserve infantry: fully manned, well trained and fully integrated with its paired platoon in 2 MERCIAN. Adventurous training and sport continue, with all companies running successful and well-resourced AT events over the summer, together with participation in Army level sport.
Recruiting remains very positive. We have achieved the second highest numbers of passes in the reserve infantry at Catterick this year and have a steady stream of recruits and reduced outflow of trained strength. Recruiting and attendance at our key locations of Kidderminster
is likely to see 4 MERCIAN
as the lead unit for STTTs
in 42 (Infantry) Brigade, which has particular responsibility for East Africa.
Linked to this, Capt Gareth Dixon returned from OP TOSCA and has mobilised to the British Peace Support Team (East Africa) (BPST(EA)) as the 42 Brigade Liaison Officer. BPST(EA) is the sponsor for STTTs in East Africa. This is a first for a reservist, and his deployment strengthens our existing relationship with BPST(EA).
We have also deployed selected individuals to operations in Afghanistan and North Africa, and are likely to deploy troops to OP TOSCA in 2016 as part of deployment lead for another 42 Brigade unit, 4 LANCS.
Training continues to be varied, with a range of opportunities for the committed reservist. We completed a demanding two-week infantry exercise in Sennybridge, including live firing up to platoon level. Following Mandatory Annual Training Tests (MATTS) and individual training, 2015 sees the build-up to two major overseas
year, with the formal removal from our Order
of Battle (ORBAT) of F Company as a distinct
fifth company. The location in Burton remains, however, established for a minimum of platoon strength and currently retains its own separate chain of command. Our new establishment has been confirmed: the most significant change is the re-establishment of the Assault Pioneer and Anti- Tank Platoons with staff, training and equipment to follow. In addition, over the next year we will see the majority of our WO2 SPSIs being replaced, on posting, by Sgt PSIs.
Amongst the many changes in staff this year, we have bade farewell to Adjutant and RSM, Captain Ben Smyth and WO1 (RSM) Darren Aley. I thank them both for their hard work over the last two years. We welcome Captain Tom Onion and WO1 (RSM) Ben Cox in their stead. Captain Onion is a former 4 MERCIAN soldier, and Mr Cox a former SPSI of D Coy, 4 MERCIAN, and it’s good to see them both back in the battalion.
The battalion continues to support peacekeeping operations in East Africa
and Burton (both are subject to a manpower review in 2016) are extremely healthy. Wolverhampton, Birmingham and Nottingham continue to recruit particularly strongly.
The implementation of Future Reserves 2020 (FR2020) continues this

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