Page 94 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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                                with the RSOI packages whereas the G4 element based at Farm 3 for their own
CSS training and support to the main body at Cilieni Village. OC HQ Maj Carpenter- Balmer exercised as the Battlegroup Logistic Officer based in Cilieni Village to coordinate the G4 supplies throughout the exercise. QM(T) Capt Jones and his RQMS(V)
WO2 Pratt based at Farm 3 ensured that resupplies are delivered to Cilieni Village as required. MTO Capt Forbes, first FTX in role, had to ensure that vehicles are provided to carry the troops when required whilst at the same time observing the drivers rest hours. RSO Capt Lam, together with part of his Signal Platoon provided and maintained
the communications between the Village and the Farm. Sgt Newell ensured that
the signallers, LCpl Fraser and Pte Morris are supervised and mentored in order to provide comms throughout the FTX. There were situations that comms could not be maintained even with the Rebro deployed under the adverse weather that the mobile phones had become more effective in passing on text messages and keeping the Ops Room in the picture. OC RRTT Capt Heath acted as the Ops Officer and, with the supervisions from the Bn 2IC Maj Crowe and the TM Maj Westwood, conducted
the battle. The rest of the HQ members attending Ex BRACED EAGLE were either doing G4 in Farm 3 or fight through the building in Cilieni Village. The second
stage (week) of the exercise saw the troops tabbing into Farm 7 and Farm 11, married up with the G4 element and continued to fight the enemy till the ENDEX. The FTX was heavily supported by A (Grenadier) Coy 2 MERCIAN which introduced the concept of Fighting Light.
The battalion continued to support the Defence Engagement by providing a Short Term Training (STTT) to Uganda to conduct the Confirmatory Training Exercise for the Ugandan People Defence Force as part of the Pre-Deployment Training prior to their operations in Somalia. HQ Coy supported the STTT Uganda by having SigsPSI CSgt Powell, PSI Sgt Robinson supported the STTT in November 2014. CSM WO2 Bywater, SigsPSI CSgt Powell, the recruiting team of Cpl Bolus, LCpl Powell and CMT LCpl Pettet supported the STTT in April 2015.
HQ Coy supported the Remembrance Sunday annually that we provide a marching contingent at Wolverhampton city centre.
A firing party formed by the members of HQ Coy also supported the Remembrance Sunday Service at Walsall.
Getting to the end of the calendar
year and close to the holiday season of Christmas, HQ Coy, as usual had a Coy Dinner on a Saturday evening. About thirty members of HQ Coy that included members from Wolverhampton, Kidderminster and the University of Wolverhampton gathered together for a Chinese buffet dinner at
Ming Moon Restaurant in Wolverhampton. Everyone enjoyed the evening for not
only the good food but also the lots of
fun on the karaoke singing, in particular those youngsters of the University of Wolverhampton Platoon, lead by example of Lt Rawji who became a Captain in February. A St George’s Day Dinner was also held in April at Wolverhampton ARC.
The battalion focused on section and
The battalion continued to support the Defence Engagement by providing a Short Term Training to Uganda
platoon level tactics training from the beginning of 2015. Field tactical exercise took place at Nesscliff, SENTA and Leek for section and platoon tactics from January through June. Whereas OBUA training took place in Whinny Hill Village at Catterick in August. MATTs and ACMTs, included the practice on the Glock pistol, took
place at SENTA and Altcar from March to May. In August, focus was on preparation for exercises SAVA STAR in Croatia and ASKARI STORM in Kenya.
QM Department had also been very busy in providing real life support throughout the year. They had a consolidated G4 training that pulled together all G4 personnel from all the sub-units during Ex BRACED EAGLE at SENTA. Whilst having their own training at Farm 3, G4 staff had to travel forward and backward with their supplies in supporting the fighting troop in Cilieni Village. Further consolidated training for all G4 personnel across the battalion also took place in January at Nesscliff and in February at SENTA.
QM Maj Mullis succeeded Maj Slaney in August 2014 and lead his G4 teams got through and being successful in all the inspections as required. Due to his expertise, Maj Mullis was trawled for a special task in Africa during which time HQ SPSI WO2 Limb who possesses the required qualifications become the RQMS acting as the QM to cover his absence.
During the year, the battalion supported 2 MERCIAN on Ops TOSCA. From Wolverhampton we have Sgts Helliwell
and Talbort, Ptes Nash, Pinson and White; and from Kidderminster we have Sgt Green, Cpl Troth, Ptes Jakeman, James and Preston being mobilised to support the Operations. Sgts Helliwell and Talbort were employed as the Watchkeepers in the Ops Room whereas Sgt Green was the platoon sergeant of 6 Pl and Cpl Troth was a member of the CIMIC team. However,
it was believed that the SNCOs and the private soldiers seemed to have had more enjoyable time on adventure trainings during most of their time on the tour. Upon return from the tour, they all re-joined the Coy and resumed to take part in the drill nights and weekends.
The Recruiting Team, headed by Cpl Bolus assisted by LCpl Powell and a number of volunteers whenever needed and available, went out to set up booths
in Wolverhampton area to promote the uniqueness of serving in the Army Reserve. As a result of their hard work, the number of potential recruits, dress in civilian clothes, were seen increasing on the drill nights. Whilst the Recruiting Team should be very busy, Cpl Bolus and LCpl Powell still found the time going to Uganda supporting the STTT. Lt Styles and Cpl Horne had both become the RSUSO on FTRS.
Capt Lam, Lt Styles and Sgts Robinson and Perryman formed the Colours Party for the Crich Pilgrimage on 5 July. Although much practices had been done to ensure the highest standard of the Colour Party drills the sudden change of extreme weather attacked the Colours Party that not only the ensigns and the escorts but also almost everything moveable on the scene were struggled to remain still during the service. As a result of the rainstorm the service was cut short. The Colours Party marched off proudly as they had proofed that they had stood firm and fought hard
to protect the Queen’s and the Regimental Colours under such an extreme weather.
      Padre Capt Flower and CMT LCpl Pettet (1st and 2nd from right) firing the Glock.
HQ Coy firing Glock on the range with Capt Rawji watching CSM WO2 Bywater conducting the practice

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