Page 46 - ABA Salvoes 1999-2024
P. 46

Battery Commander’s Introduction by Major Nick Sargent RA
The soldiers, sailors and marines of 148 Cdo FO Bty RA deployed to the HELMAND province of southern Afghanistan for a 6, and some cases 7, month tour. There, as part of 3 Cdo Bde RM’s commitment to the UK Task Force within NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the Battery provided 4 of 29 Cdo Regt RA’s 9 fire Support Teams (FSTs), as well as 12 of 3 Cdo Bde RM’s 14 Forward Air Controllers (FACs), individuals to Operational Mentor and Liaison Teams (OMLTs) working in support of the Afghan National Army, Headquarters staff at Battle Group and Brigade levels, and a chef. As ever the Battery was spread to the four winds with representatives in every ISAF location throughout HELMAND. In the summer of 2006 with the deployment of 16 Air Assault Brigade, the Operation was quoted as the most intense conflict the UK has been involved in since the Korean War. Although not featuring in the international media during our tenure, nothing could have been truer with an average of 8 contacts a day through the deployment, and with 14 or 15 on the most intense days.
FSTs conducted artillery and mortar fire missions, as well as close air support and attack helicopter controls daily. To put this in perspective, 29 Cdo Regt RA’s 8 light guns fired
Sgt Heath’s FST ‘here & there’ in Helmand Province
in excess of 10,000 rounds in 6 months. Sadly the tour was marred by the loss of 4 members of 29 Cdo Regt RA including 2 from 148 Battery: LBdrs Clark and McLaughlin were killed in action on 3 March 07 in SANGIN. Future Meiktila Days will be ever more poignant. Although the Battery was principally involved in kinetic activity, there was much non-kinetic activity concurrently conducted by other elements of the UK Task Force. The successes achieved with the Brigade on the offensive have set the security conditions for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to support the provincial governor in developing local government and the Department for International Development aiding reconstruction and development throughout the province. In true Meiktila style the men of the Battery, in whatever role they assumed, performed with the utmost professionalism. Testament to this were the three operational awards won by members of the Battery: Capt Al Carns MiD, WO2 (BSM) Rik Groves QCVS, LBdr Richard ‘Brummy’ Jennings MC. Once again 148 Battery has been at the forefront of the Brigade’s fight. I can, therefore, confirm that the finest traditions of the Battery’s combined operations heritage were upheld. We will be redeploying to southern Afghanistan in September 2008.
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