Page 144 - Mercian Eagle 2013
P. 144

                                  WORCESTER BRANCH
By Nigel Fish
Worcester Branch has had another busy year, especially in June with the Reunion and the Presentation of New Colours within days of each other. The Branch had a good turnout of members for every event and also for the sadder occasions; the inevitable funerals.
Following the support of the branch at several Regimental occasions last year, a decision was made by some of the Officers and SNCOs of the Battalion to present Worcester Branch with an oak stand for the Branch’s three standards, this was so they could proudly be on display as opposed to just being leant in the corner of a room somewhere. On the evening of the 11th May of this year a presentation was made from the Officers and Men of The 2nd Battalion The Mercian Regiment to The Worcester Branch of The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association. Capt Martyn Chatterley and WO1 (RSM) Paul Muckle presented a beautifully hand crafted bespoke oak stand for the Branch’s three standards. The oak stand has three brass plaques, the first has the details of the presentation, the second reads `in honour of those who have served’, and the third carries the Exhortation `They Shall Not Grow Old....’. The presentation was followed by speeches from Capt Chatterley and RSM Muckle on the exploits and deployments of 2 MERCIAN with the branch members listening intently as they always have a keen interest in what their successors are doing. After the ceremonies, there was a presentation to The Mercian Regimental Benevolent Fund of £350.00 followed by a photo call and buffet, put on by some of the ladies of the branch, and the chance to have a drink and a chat with the guests.
August saw the Branch invited to the opening of a new rifle range at Worcester Norton Shooting Club, the ranges of Norton Barracks, named after Pte Frederick Dancox VC who took over 40 German prisoners on the 9th October 1917. He never received his medal from
Members of the Worcester Branch supporting Enid’s Walk and the Mercian Benevolent Fund with the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Worcestershire and the Mayor of Worcester
the King as all leave was cancelled due to a German counter attack and unfortunately he, his brother and two stepbrothers were KIA with the news not reaching his family until they were waiting at Worcester train station for him to come home. The new range was opened by Pte Frederick Dancox’s grandson, Mr Frederick Dancox who gave a short speech about his Grandfather before declaring the range open, where some members took the chance to brush up on their weapon skills.
The branch endeavours to support the Regiment and RHQ and
one of those occasions was recently when branch members and the Standards gathering in Worcester Guild Hall to support and congratulate Enid on walking through Mercia to raise funds and awareness for the Mercian Benevolent Fund and see her present the scroll honouring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to the Lord Mayor.
Ex members of the Regiment (including WFR) and the Mercian Regiment are welcome to join the meeting which are held on every other last Tuesday of the month at the TA Centre in Worcester. Further details can be obtained from RHQ. Worcester Branch can also be followed on their Branch Website: – www.wfraworcester. com where you will also find news from RHQ, photos, and upcoming events.
  Members of the Worcester Branch receiving the Standards Stand from 2 MERCIAN

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