Page 146 - Mercian Eagle 2013
P. 146

                                Staffordshire Regiment Association
By Jim Massey
We look back on a long year which, in Eagle terms, started in December 2012 with the traditional gathering in Lichfield on Ferozeshah Day. Our first major event of the year was the Garrison Church Service in St. George’s Garrison Church in Whittington Barracks, which took place on 21st March. The church was used not just by the Depots of The South Staffordshire & North Staffordshire Regiments but by The Mercian Brigade and Prince of Wales’s Division as well, so keeping it in use is important for the Mercian Regiment.
There were numerous branch trips and activities, including Anzac Day in Cannock Chase Cemetery in April. On 6th June we joined our comrades from the CRA, WFRA and Mercian Volunteers at the Presentation of New Colours in Worcester. Everyone thought that it was a magnificent occasion and the Association members would like to thank all those who organised the event.
Less than three weeks later, we laid
up the Staffordshire Regiment Colours in Lichfield Cathedral, which is described as a separate article. Likewise our reunion in Rugeley was a great success and is also shown separately.
The subject of memorials is a permanent feature of Association life. Fenton Branch has taken an energetic part in the local campaign to preserve the memorials
that are sitting in the disused Fenton Court Building. Peter Hopwood, Branch Secretary, has spent many hours lobbying and persuading local people to support the group. Whilst they are still in the thick of the campaign, Peter’s vocal passion
can be heard for miles around. On a more positive note, the restoration of Wednesbury War Memorial was rededicated in a special service on 5th May 2013, whilst Moxley War Memorial was rededicated 28th September and our Association turned out in force for both occasions. We are currently working on a plan to replace our own memorial
in the National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas. Glyn Ireland and Dave Bradshaw are taking the lead and we are hoping for ‘graft in kind’ to allay some of the costs.
The Annual Officers’ Lunch took place in the Victory Services Club on 18th June. The Commanding Officer, Lt. Col Chris Davies, kindly gave permission for the Staffordshire Regiment Colours to be paraded for the last time before they were laid up three days later. We had a strong turn out of serving officers including a return from Afghanistan the day before so can I attend request
and appearance from Capt Chris Paul.
This impressed the old and bold so much that we had to say yes. We are grateful
Ed Henny and James Green
for the support of the serving officers. The Uttoxeter Race Meet took place on Sunday 6th October and despite low numbers, the people who participated had an enjoyable day.
Finally, we would like to emphasise that serving soldiers are all welcome to join
any of our activities and branch events. In addition, there is the annual gathering in Lichfield to commemorate a particular battle honour, so we hope to see you all there. The Association is currently collecting more goodies for 3 MERCIAN on the final tour by a Mercian Battalion in Afghanistan. Thank you to all branch secretaries members for all their support in 2012 – 13. I would like to single out Mick Savic and Rugeley Branch for organising the annual reunion, Trevor Evans for all his work as parade marshal and Dave Newey, who has recently logged 1000 members on his Association Face book.
                THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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