Page 150 - Mercian Eagle 2013
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                                Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association
Report by the Chairman, Lt Col A J Scott MBE
The MVRA continues to flourish, with good attendance at most of its seven Branches, charitable events and donations occurring throughout the year and a good turnout for MVRA events.
The AGM was held in Nottingham on 3 Mar 13; this event is held at a fresh Branch venue each year and is of course open to all MVRA members, though general attendance tends to be only from the host Branch. As usual, arrangements were first class and a very productive meeting was held.
Initially, previous Minutes were approved and members of the Committee, all of
whom stood for election, were unanimously re-elected. The MVRA continues to look for younger members to join the Committee, since many who held senior posts in 1 and
2 MERCIAN are now in their sixties or even older and were pleased to welcome Philip Fairbrace, taking his seat for the first time. He was elected to replace Bernard Derrick. Ill health has forced him to stand down, but we wish him all the very best for the future and thank him for the support and work he has given the Mercians over the years. Any other younger Mercians who are willing to return a little of what they gained from their time in the TA are invited to inform the Secretary (Lt Col Clarke TD) or Treasurer (Lt Col Keith Jeavons TD) of their willingness to stand.
Nottingham Branch members at Clifton Remembrance Sunday
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fairbrace from Walsall at the Christmas party at Kidderminster
Discussions on future activities by the MVRA resulted in dropping a proposed Battlefield Tour. This was because of lack of sufficient interest but smaller tours are going ahead independently. Participation
in the Mercian Colours Parade, to which the MVRA had most kindly been invited, was confirmed, with a projected marching contingent of over fifty. This number was exceeded on the day and, reinforced by six bowler-hatted members in the front. A very smart march past the Royal Colonel of the Mercian Regiment (HRH The Prince of Wales) was achieved. There was a rumour that the royal lips were seen to pucker in a smile as the bowler hats made their salute!
The MVRA also agreed to a picnic at the National Memorial Arboretum on 14 Sep 13, for which there was a limited turnout (the weather being suspect but in fact turning sunny) but where everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A more ambitious
affair is planned for 14 Sep 14, when the participation of Territorials in the Great War would be commemorated and this was agreed by the Committee.
A number of other issues were discussed, notably the acceptance by RHQ Mercian that the finials for branch Standards should be a screw-on Mercian Eagle – a proposal
The Annual General Meeting at the Robin Hood Rifles Club
No comment! No it’s not a re make of the last
of the Summer Wine! Alan Fish, Bernard Pratt, Graham Bird, Gordon Maycroft, and Tony Griffiths.
originated by the MVRA Treasurer and adopted by the Committee.
Finally, it was agreed to continue the annual informal meeting with Branch Chairmen and other Committee members in June; this allowed issues and concerns to be raised without formal minuting or sensitive subjects being debated in public. Any decisions taken would be publicly endorsed at the next meeting of the MVRA in RHQ Mercian, Whittington Barracks (preceded by a short service at the Mercian Volunteers memorial grove in NMA), to be held on 6 Nov 13.
The meeting closed with warm thanks to the Nottingham Branch for their excellent arrangements at the Robin Hoods’
Senior NCOs’ Club in Central Nottingham where we were made very welcome. The Nottingham branch holds their Branch meetings here. We would like to thank the Club Committee for their kindness.
The Association has been very active
in and around the Mercian area. Branch Standards have been present at many occasions including Crich. The list is long, varied and would take up a great deal
of space, but our thanks must go to the Standard Bearers who have continued to parade in all weathers and at all times It is so important that the regiment and its family
   Alan Fish having a chat with Santa before the Christmas Party at Kidderminster
The Australian Representative with the Chairman of Staffordshire Royal British Legion
at the ANZAC day at Cannock

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