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                                are seen around the Mercian area. We look forward to the arrivals of the new finials to adorn the standards.
Armed Forces’ Day.
Branches attended flag raising ceremonies at their respective civic centres throughout the Mercian area. Stockport Branch in collaboration with the Cheshire Regiments Association again held the Dinner at
the Armoury Stockport. Walsall and Kidderminster Branches combined to have a presence at Himley Hall, Dudley. Nottingham Branch had the main day in the City.
Stockport’s Armed Forces Day Dinner
Paul and Hazel Lomas would just like to thank everyone who came and supported us at this event. What a fabulous evening! 140 people sat down for a 3 course dinner followed by cheese and biscuits all helped down by copious amounts of wine.
The evening was started by a march on of standards piped on by our guest Mr.
R. Jones in full Scottish regalia. We were pleased to welcome guests from RAF Ashton, Royal Signals, Mortar Platoon, 207 Field Hospital, Kings Ashton, with lots of support from CRA Association and MVRA Association members. Our entertainment was led by Linda Dee our forces sweetheart complete with uniform and sandbags, always a good start to the evening. This gets everyone singing along, especially
for the grand finale of There Always Be An England; lots of flag waving for this. DJ Stuart Richardson then kept us all on the dance floor to a good selection of music, including our birthday boy Percy Cook who celebrated his 92nd birthday with a quick turn around the floor. We hope to run this event again next year so hope for your continued support.
Members at the ANZAC Day at Cannock
Chris Rowley and Pete Hall setting out the stall
Kidderminster and Walsall Branches combine at Himley Hall.
Members were out in force again at Dudley’s Annual Armed Forces Day held at Himley Hall on 30th June . The weather held again and it really was summer time. The tombola stall was a great success. Thanks to the generosity of members there were
an astonishing number of prizes available. There was an avalanche of books provided by members and the majority was sold during the day. Consequently we were able to realize a total of £333.50 towards the cost of our proposed event at the National Memorial Arboretum in 2014. It was good to see so many members and their families at the event, not only to the Association tent but to the other actives held in the park. WO2 Bernard Pratt was presented with his Veterans Medal by the Mayor. Our thanks go to Phil Fairbrace, Pete Hall and Bernard Pratt for all their hard work in making the day a success. Again we are indebted to Peter Hall for the loan of his tent which provides a focal point for the Association together with the Association Flag flying proudly over head.
Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association Annual Picnic 2013. Another year, another picnic! That quintessentially British pastime of making sandwiches, braving the worst that weather can throw at you, along with the wasps that can scent a piece of cake a mile
off, took place at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire on Saturday 14th September 2013. Our annual picnic, now into its second year, is fast becoming an established part of the MVRA social calendar. It serves the function of allowing ex-Mercians to gather and catch up with old friends across the seven branches. It is also a public statement that the Mercian
Members of the Nottingham Branch at Crich
Stockport’s Armed Forces Day Dinner
The Association Guard; sorry about the back view but it is the only so far seen that includes everyone. But it is a smart Guard!
  Members with The Prince of Wales at the Colour Presentation
Volunteers Regimental Association is alive and well and contributing a good, highly visible presence to the life of the Midlands by caring for its veterans. In fact the weather was really quite kind to us, despite the rather gloomy – in more senses than one – predictions of the weather forecasters
Bernard Pratt arranging the Association Staff at Himley Hall
      The two organisers, Hazel and Paul Lomas with the singer, Linda Dee

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