Page 46 - Mercian Eagle 2013
P. 46

 Fire Support Group – Capt Scott
The Fire Support Group has enjoyed another busy year with members of the platoon deploying to the Falklands and Afghanistan in support of Op FIRIC and Op HERRICK respectively. The highly successful FSG cadre ran in Warcop has seen a number of new faces coming to the platoon having completed
the course. The cadre offered an excellent
opportunity to train the members of the platoon
before deploying to the Falklands, Afghanistan
or on career promotion courses. Recently,
Capt Scott, Sgt Thapa and Cpls Jess, Stamps,
Langton and Bowler have all had the pleasure
of spending time at the FSG Division at Land
Warfare Centre in Warminster. Whilst getting
to grips with a very demanding course and
becoming experts in the full range of anti-tank
and machine guns available to the platoon,
the NCOs also picked up a well deserved
extra stripe each for their efforts. Cpl Jess, in
particular, excelled during his time at the Division: gaining a grade of Distinction amidst a very competitive group from across the Infantry.
Whilst all this was happening WO2 Roberts commanded a contingent destined for a very tough and rewarding trip to the South Atlantic during a time of highly-publicised political tensions over the islands. Aside from testing themselves over the gruelling terrain and excelling during the live firing range package, the lads managed to enjoy some informative battlefield tours and penguin sightseeing
during their trip away. Whilst battling the Antarctic winds in the Falklands, other members of the platoon were contending with very different climatic conditions. A number of members of the platoon deployed to Afghanistan for four months to run a training package
The cadre offered an excellent opportunity to train the members of the platoon before deploying to the Falklands, Afghanistan or on career promotion courses.
for troops entering theatre. The expertise of the platoon in heavy weapons and vehicles proved to be vital in providing instruction and training to newly-deployed soldiers from all capbadges entering theatre.
Aside from being deployed across three different continents, the FSG continued to lead the way in being the ‘face of the battalion’. The Armed Forces’ day celebrations in Nottingham were an excellent opportunity for us to show off our kit and interact with the public, particularly poignant given the links to the recruiting area. A great family day with shows and demonstrations from across all three services was enjoyed by
all. The Drums platoon have excelled themselves this year under the command of Drum Major Wilson, and this was the first opportunity since the presentation of new Colours to unveil the Scarlets to the public, perfectly demonstrating the eclectic and diverse skills held within the platoon.
Currently we are busy preparing for the impending trip to Kenya for exercise Askari Thunder, with everyone excited to round off another busy year on a high.
                                D (Fire Support) Company – Support weapons Cadre, Weapon Systems and New Concepts
D (Fire support) Company like many parts of the Army and Infantry is undergoing change. The days of having training delivered to
you and following the MST pipeline have ended. Looking forward, the Company
has changed its focus from HERRICK Operations to the development and delivery of Expeditionary Warfare.
The Company started with the delivery
of an extended six week Fire Support Cadre. After an influx of new personnel and a period of stabilisation, the Company deployed to Warcop training area. The individual Platoons were given the ability to plan, run and execute the training required to qualify all of their soldiers in the specialist skills that are required of a Support Weapons Platoon. Fitness and Battlefield Discipline were under the remit of Company Headquarters and developed during the Cadre/Battle camp.
FSG Platoon
The FSG Platoon is now looking at losing the HMG and GMG as the Battalion redeploys to Light Role in the Adaptive Force. The FSG concept will continue
to be trained, however the machine
Gun and Anti-Tank platoons will now
be re-established and the Battle Group knowledge of the employment and utility
The aim for the training that was conducted in Warcop was to bolster and train the right amount of pax both old and new on the relevant weapon systems used within the Fire
Support Company.
their ranges and even after just a couple of weeks the difference in skill set was plain for all to see. In the fifth week all the Platoons conducted the ACMT shoots which then
 Warcop from October through to November is as you can appreciate
a bleak place but
The fifth week all the Platoons conducted the ACMT shoots which then qualified them all on the weapons.
qualified them all on
the weapons. On the sixth and final week the Platoons conducted their own exercises using all the teaching they had to hone their relevant skill sets,
this then culminated
in a live firing attack utilising all the support weapons with Recce Platoon leading the Rifle
the Platoons threw
themselves into the
individual cadres that
had to be run. All the
Platoons dived straight
into the training, the
first couple of weeks
were mainly taken up with low level skills
on all the different pieces of equipment that Support Company use. After the first couple of weeks the Platoons then spread out to
companies into their line of departures, This was watched by the Colonel, RSM and Battalion 2ic and the feedback was of high praise indeed.
and GMG, however movement and manoeuvre will increase. The FSG concept will continue and its utility over the past 6 years will mean that when required the two platoons can reform and re-orbat to enable the Battalion to have this joint effect.
 of the Javelin Ant-tank missile and the planning and deployment of the GPMG SF will only increase. The Company continues to utilise the HMG and GMG and will use these as vehicle based weapon systems, on the WMIK, during Ex ASKARI STORM. Penetrative power and suppressive force will be lost with the removal of the HMG

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