Page 12 - ALG Issue 3 2019
P. 12
seasonal jobs to do...
• Inunheatedframesorcloches, sow hardier types of lettuce, endive, radish or mustard.
• Plantoutearlyspringcabbagesinto well-prepared but firm soil.
• Continuetoearthuptrenching celery, a little at a time.
• Sow a winter hardy variety of
cauliflower. apples
• Peas and beans that have been allowed to set seed should be lifted now and the seed pods left tofullydryinawarmairyshedor greenhouse until the pods are fully dry.
and pears should be harvested
Melonsgrowingundercoverthatare showing fully-developed fruits should have almost all water stopped, giving just enough to keep the plants ticking over. Stand developing fruits on a pot, tile or straw to keep them away from the soil. Earlyapplesandpearsshouldbe harvested and used straightaway – these early varieties do not store. Pear varieties such as ‘Beurre Hardy’ and ‘Williams Bon Chretien’ are generally better harvested before they are fully ripe and allowed to ‘finish’ indoors.
Continue to harvest apples and pears as they ripen, taking care not to damage or bruise the fruits
• Finishplantingspringcabbage.
• Stake all tall-growing brassica crops
with a stout cane. It can also help to draw a little soil up around the bases ofsuchplants,andfirmwiththe heel.
• Asparagus beds should now be cut back,allweedsremoved,andalittle more mulch added. Well-rotted manure or garden compost is ideal.
• Complete the earthing up of celery.
• Complete harvesting of all
• Continuetoharvestapplesandpears as they ripen, taking care not to damage or bruise the fruits. Only the best should be set aside for storage.
• Anylategrapesshouldhaveleaves that cover the ripening fruit removed to allow in as much light as possible.
• Liftarootorrhubarbforearlyforcing before the end of the month and then allow the root to sit on the soil and be subjected to a few good frosts. The crown will then be much better for forcing, and some sticks may be had for around Christmas.
Start to harvest Brussels sprouts and kales
• StarttoharvestBrusselssproutsand kales as they come to maturity. Start picking at the bottom of the stalk
on sprouts, and remove any buttons that have blown or not developed properly.
• Protectanymaturingbroccolior cauliflowers by breaking a few leaves over the developing curd.
• Protectthetopsorcelerywithstraw, dry bracken or similar.
12 Allotment and Leisure Gardener