Page 29 - Cadet Review 2_24
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                                YNW ACF MAJOR (Retd)
It was with great sadness that the County was informed of the passing of Major John Cooper on 24th March 2024.
John had a full Reserve Army career prior to joining YNW ACF, starting as a Private soldier and retiring
as a Major, which included an active service tour
in Iraq. On completion of his Reserve service, he decided that he was not ready to hang his boots up just yet, and was appointed as Officer Commanding
A Company, operating out of his HQ in Northallerton. John served six years as OC A Company and a further couple of years as a non-uniformed volunteer and spent his final weekend with A Company at their Christmas weekend camp, one of his favourite weekends with the cadets.
John was an honest straight-talking Yorkshireman, with no ego. Nothing was too much trouble; if any hard work was needed John was at the front of
the queue. He spent many a weeknight travelling everywhere across North Yorkshire to visit his various detachments and was a very visible hands-on OC, with his own unique style of command. John never saw problems, only solutions.
He was a good friend to many, as could be seen from the massive turnout at his funeral. He was always good company, with a good tale to tell about his reserve service, also his many cruises all over the world with his dear wife Angela.
Major John Cooper will be sadly missed by all who served with him, in the Reserves and YNW ACF. He will be especially missed by those who were privileged to call him their friend. All in Yorkshire North & West ACF send their sincere condolences to John’s wife Angela and the rest of his family.
Cadet Sergeant Zoe McCosh of Stokesley Detachment, A Company, is the first ever Army Cadet Sports Personality of the year recipient, awarded by the Army Sports Council. The original award took place at a formal event in London, unfortunately Sgt McCosh was unable to attend due to age restrictions.
At last, the award has been handed over to Sgt McCosh. At a small gathering in Strensall CTC, which included Zoe’s parents, Grandmother, Sister, also the Commandant Colonel Hugh Gell, Major Mick Bell and SI Snowden from Stokesley Detachment, the award was presented to Sgt McCosh by Colonel Terry Hayter, SO2 Sport, Cadets Branch, HQ Regional Command, along with Lt Colonel Henry Canavan, ACF Sports.
Sgt McCosh was also presented with a medal from Brigadier AS Smith, Chief of Staff, General Officer Commanding Regional Command. She also received a letter of congratulations from Colonel Jardine, Chief of Staff, Army Cadets, HQ Regional Command. Lt Colonel Canavan presented Sgt McCosh with an engraved Army Cadet Force National Sports Medal.
As an extra surprise, Lt Colonel Canavan presented Sgt McCosh with a couple of very smart looking National Sports Track suits.
Congratulations Sgt Zoe an outstanding personal achievement, one that the whole of YNW ACF are very proud of you for.
Sgt McCosh and a very proud Commandant Colonel Hugh Gell showing off her awards

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