Page 40 - Cadet Review 2_24
P. 40

                                 CEY Wing ATC
The Wing Athletics competition took place at the Costello Stadium in Hull on Sunday 12 May and Squadrons from all over the Wing participated in a closely run event. In excess of 400 cadets attended, which is the highest number seen on the ground since 2017, with more than 60 staff to ensure the event ran as smoothly as possible.
The cadets took part in a total of 10 out of the
11 planned track and field events, across 5 age categories including running from 100 metres to 1500 metres. Unfortunately, due to overrunning the batons had to be dropped on the relay races, otherwise there was a significant risk the coaches (the vehicular ones) may have left without their passengers. None the less there were many elements of the day which were extremely exciting and nail biting at some finishes.
The field events included long and high jump, discus, shot and javelin with varying degrees of success; however, all the competitors will have gained valuable experience for future events.
The cadets who attended thoroughly enjoyed the day, which was organized by Flying Officer Helle McCollin, the Wing Sports Officer, ably assisted by many Wing HQ and Squadron volunteers, staffing the jumps, officiating, photographing, announcing,
Every cadet who took part on the day played their part in this fantastic day of activities
commentating and raising the roof with cheering from the grandstand, all creating highlights of the day! It would be remiss not to mention the rendition of “Happy Birthday to you” sung by the entire grandstand to Flight Lieutenant Clare Crebbin as it was her birthday that day!
The triumphant Squadron on the day was 110 (City of York) Squadron; the team being led by CWO Kiyan Eiles and Cpl Nathaniel Brady, who both played a large part in the success story, as the Team Managers on the day, allowing the staff to support the events. The entire team contributed to the efforts of the day, and although other squadrons took
home the category trophies, they were the overall Wing Champions, taking over the mantle from 2337 (Northallerton) Squadron.
Every cadet who took part on the day played their part in this fantastic day of activities and all the participants were a credit to their Squadrons, whether they returned home with a medal or not.
An additional highlight for the day was an overflight of the HM Coastguard Search and Rescue Helicopter, which just happened to be passing by at the right time, no idea why but may have something to do with the workplace of the Deputy Wing Aviation Officer!

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