Page 42 - Cadet Review 2_24
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                                CEY Wing ATC
In April the Wing held its first Archery Taster Day for 11 cadets and 1 staff member. The member of staff was having-a-go to decide if they could deliver this same activity at 2434 (Church Fenton) Squadron in the future. The 11 cadets ranging from 12 – 16 years old, had little or no experience previously but by the end they understood the basic components of the bow and arrow, how to load, aim and shoot with varying degrees of success in hitting the target, with a few bull’s eyes.
Although the weather was a bit windy and damp everyone enjoyed themselves and developed a taste for more archery sessions in the future.
The Wing has not been involved with archery very long and is planning more taster days for staff and cadets; together with archery instructor courses for staff, eventually leading to a Wing wide archery competition, with a view to taking it to regional competitions.
   7 Cadets take to the skies
At the beginning of May, 7 cadets from 1324 (Hawker Blackburn) Squadron received the opportunity of Air Experience Flights (AEF) with professional military pilots at RAF Leeming, Northallerton.
The cadets mainly completed AEF sortie 1, which focuses predominantly on giving the cadet an introduction to the experience of flying a light aircraft, including copying basic aircraft controls once in the air and experiencing some light aerobatics. Needless to say, an excellent time was had by all!

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