Page 2 - Out Birding Issue 111 Summer 2023
P. 2

4-9 Event Reports 9-11 Events at a Glance 11 Cap􏰀on Corner 12-13 A Corner of Ireland
13 Advert
14 Quiz
15 Obituary
The Secret Network of Nature
16-17 View from the Chair 18-19 White-billed Diver 20-21 Quiz Answers
22 Regional Contacts
23 Commi􏰁ee Members
Cover: Chinstrap Penguin: Andy Webb Back cover: All named and credited
I hope you are enjoying this hesitant spring with its stop-start an􏰀cs. I was very concerned for my frog spawn when night frosts returned but I can now see a lot of wriggling so all seems to be well.
You will find a more pictorial Out Birding this 􏰀me as I haven’t had as many event reports or other contribu􏰀ons. However, those that are here make for interes􏰀ng reading.
I was pleased to have space to include not one but two photos of Bi􏰁ern taken during the Fishers Green event, pp 5&6, given the dearth of this species in recent years. The group was delighted finally to see one!
Dorothy has once again provided some insight into birding in the Irish Republic. Her regular contribu􏰀ons to OB, with lovely photos, are much appreciated.
In Andy’s View from the Chair he keeps us up to date with commi􏰁ee business, specifically the recent discussions about group insurance for field events. Mark’s event report for RSPB Pulborough Brooks, pp 4-5, demonstrates how risk assessment is o􏰂en simply a ma􏰁er of common sense and partnership between leaders and par􏰀cipants.
Andy has given generously to this edi􏰀on also providing a fascina􏰀ng account of the increase in the White-billed Diver in Bri􏰀sh waters. I was a member of the group that put the bird on the GBC List in Lewis in 2006 and have a very vivid memory of Andy dancing around the beach when he found it! Global warming is a serious threat to life on earth but it is also giving us the chance to see birds that we might otherwise not encounter. The northerly progress of Glossy Ibis and Ca􏰁le Egret are tes􏰀mony to this.
I have given you a couple of quizzes and an anecdotal piece that doubles up as a book review.
I hope you find something to enjoy in these pages and that you are able to join a few events in the coming months.
Copy date for the next edi􏰀on is 1st July 2023
 Views expressed in OB are the views of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editor, commi􏰁ee or members of the GBC.

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