Page 4 - Out Birding Issue 111 Summer 2023
P. 4

Event Reports
Please send reports as a Word a􏰀achment or in the body of an email to Pat: pat.cro􏰂on@b􏰁
RSPB Dungeness 08/01/2023
Twelve hardy souls met up at RSPB Dungeness on a very windy day with forecasts of rain to come. I had offered everyone a "Get Out of Jail Free" card in advance but no one took it up. And we did enjoy ourselves - wearing every layer our wardrobes could provide.
As it started dry in the morning, we headed quickly to the far hide at Dengemarsh where good views of Bi􏰀ern (thank you Lesley), Great White Egret, Buzzard and Marsh Harrier rewarded our efforts. All the islands at Dengemarsh had disappeared under very high water levels, as had most of the islands on the main Burrows Pit, so we saw no waders all day except a flock of Lapwing. Domina􏰁ng every shallow and 􏰁ny island le􏰂 on Burrows were hundreds of Cormorants looking like black sculptures against the choppy waters. Even the gull roosts could not compete.
Large flocks of winter duck took advantage of all the space: Wigeon, Tu􏰂ed Duck, Teal, Shoveler and Pochard. A few male Goldeneye looked handsome in the bursts of sunshine and a few pairs of Gadwall. On our way back to the Visitor Centre, dodging mud and pools of water, we saw a fine male Stonechat cheering the rather bleak and empty fields. Most small birds were in hiding.
We took over the two picnic tables at the Visitor Centre, where a picnic lunch and hot drinks were eagerly consumed as we sheltered behind a belt of willows. Here small birds were coming in to the feeders - Greenfinch, Chaffinch, House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Dunnock and Reed Bun􏰁ng. Then over to the ARC Pit (across the road) which is the other half of the RSPB reserve. Searching the choppy water for new species, we were unsuccessful - again every island had disappeared, so no waders.
By 2:00 pm, the winds were increasing and storm clouds gathering so we called it a day allowing people to shop or go home early. My thanks to all the New Year birders: Gary, Jeane􏰀e, Kath, Norma, Mar􏰁n, Peter, Bev, Ang, Mary, Lesley and Catherine. Carol Goulden
Pulborough Brooks 14/01/2023
This visit followed a period of heavy rain in Sussex and the forecast for the morning of the event was not good. Normally under these circumstances I would cancel the event. However, this 􏰁me I contacted the eight other members who were planning to come and said let's meet at the reserve cafe at 11:00 am and have coffee and lunch there and then decide whether or not to do any birding. Four members pulled out at the last minute because of understandable concerns regarding flooded roads.

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