Page 83 - The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit
P. 83

The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit 81
‘Oh, and the big bird was a real eagle. After a few days, it disappeared from the valley. Mind you, Badger, it had Alfie scared for a while when it returned to his conifer trees.
‘We have never found the so-called stalker that followed Lincoln Rabbit or a fox called Max. I can only suspect that the deer used more than one guise.’
‘More than likely. I hope that we never have to go through anything like that again. I’ve been talking with Tom and Edward Badger about Sophia. We think it’s time that she had a bodyguard. They have offered to accompany her when she visits the elderly animals in the Coopers Wood Care Home next week. I might live there one day, Charlie,’ smiled Badger with a twinkle in his eye.
‘Rubbish! Cyril and Rowley would never agree to that!’ said Charlie. ‘They would lose their best card player. And besides, you and I are a good team, Badger. We have our differences but we get the job done: no matter what. Let’s leave things as they are.’
‘You are such a dependable mate, Charlie Rabbit. Where would I be without you?’ said Badger. ‘Put the kettle on, please.’

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