Page 46 - Bugle Issue 20 Autumn 2022
P. 46

 This year, the exercise faced significant challenges, both in the planning and the execution, with COVID-19 (and specifically Omicron) causing significant disruption. Through it all though, the aim was undoubtedly achieved as ultimately, we had all five Riflemen compete on the primary ski hill which includes the fastest racing discipline: the downhill. Some extremely impressive performances for a few with limited skiing experience complemented by some hard-earned life lessons have proven the Exercise to have been extremely valuable for all those involved.
“I always finished the speed events with a real buzz. It was quite nerve-wracking when you’re stood in the start gate waiting to go but once you push out of the gate you just have to go for it!” LCpl Danny Petros
A team with very mixed skiing experience, and perhaps mixed expectations, set off on the fairly epic 30-hour drive to the Alps. The first morning of training dawned rather quickly with all skiers parading by the ski lifts at 0830hrs. With the team split into 20 separate groups based on ability, the French instructors then commenced the challenge of getting
the team up to the required standard for race week. A fresh dump of snow in the first week provided some challenging conditions for the uninitiated, although with some application and plenty of falls, most quickly became fans of powder-skiing!
To the surprise of some, the training tempo was intense; all groups caught the first lift in the morning and skied through until the last runs. As a result, although there was initially great excitement to explore the various social opportunities the resort had to offer, fatigue quickly kicked in to produce a routine of home-cooking and ski waxing (an essential precursor to racing performance). The cooking produced a great deal of morale whether of the higher quality: cottage pie, tartiflette, coq au vin or of the more experimental variety;
a beef and onion cube stew being the most suspect!
Leave was a welcome break after three weeks of intense physical training although
it was curtailed and spent in France due to COVID-induced travel restrictions. We had
just enough time to rest and recuperate and have a meal out as a team before we were back to training. Final runs and ski preparation followed, and race week beckoned.
We decided to enter all five personnel to the ‘primary hill’ as this would give all skiers the opportunity to challenge themselves in the speed races. For our only novice skier, Rfn Wilkinson, this was a big step up after just three weeks on skis to be hurtling down the hill close to the national speed limit! And certainly, for all, it was a big test of character.
After the seeding event there were five race days, initially covering the four disciplines – Giant Slalom, Super Giant Slalom, Downhill and Slalom – followed by a combined event comprising a Super-G and a Slalom event.
There were impressive performances from
all the 7 RIFLES team. Out of 140 racers, Rfn Wilkinson finished 84th in the Downhill, CSjt Holmes and Rfn Lushington finished with final placements of 64th and 75th respectively, LCpl Petros managed to improve his bib number every day, starting 68th and finishing 36th and Major Brown brought home a gold medal from the team slalom event which The Rifles won. Overall, the team placed 17th in the overall Infantry competition. 7 RIFLES look forward to returning next year!
Major TJC Brown, OC A Coy
   “It was quite nerve- wracking when you’re stood in the start gate waiting to go but once you push out of the gate you just have to go for it!”
  46 RIFLES The Bugle

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