Page 16 - Oundle Life February 2023
P. 16

                                     themselves have given over 500 hours of time additionally.
Finally, a huge thanks is to be
expressed to the families of NSAR
volunteers. Without the love and time a partner gives a volunteer would not be able to go and do what they do. We know the volunteers
have given their time on birthdays, wedding anniversaries, weekends, and nights, and we can’t thank all involved enough.
NSAR has gone from strength to strength
too during 2022, with an increase in volunteers, qualifications, and equipment. Volunteers qualified as: search managers, team leaders, swift water search technicians (Rescue 3), drone pilots, dog handlers, missing person behaviour patterns, to name but a few. The team has also provided first aid cover to several events and given multiple talks to groups.
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Stephen Mold said: “I would like to thank all the volunteers at NSAR who carry out this specialist support work alongside our emergency services.
Your contribution and commitment to keeping communities safe is evident in the number of incidents you have attended and the hours that you have
volunteered. You are a huge asset to both Northamptonshire Police and the Fire Service, and we look forward to continuing our work with you in the future.”
Looking to the future, the team continues to have growth plans, with eyes on a new vehicle, Kayaks, trailers, more medical qualifications, and ultimately dreams of a physical base of operations for itself. However, all of these require funding and ongoing support which,
as we are entering an eco-nomic crisis, become rightly scarcer. This is directly impacting volunteers, who must fund their own petrol and travel costs.
NSAR is also more than just humans, they have a several search dogs
    Find out more about the team, including ways to volunteer, donate and support here:

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